Chapter 12 - Down the Trapdoor

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Examination day, a wonderful day where all the first years hard work throughout the year is tested upon hours and hours of testing in the hot, sweltering classrooms.

When the day came, so did the typical nervous attitude from most students as well as the anxiety of feeling like they didn't study enough or even at all.

It's been a while since me and Harry's encounter with Voldemort in the Forbidden Forest and on top of exam nerves, we both were pretty anxious and expecting Voldemort to come through the door at any minute.

I was still coming to terms on the fact that Voldemort actually killed my mother and quite possibly my father as well. The fact that I actually remembered something as horrifying as that while in the presence of the dark lord could not have been mere coincidence.

But I don't want to think about that, I just need to get through these damn exams.

True to Hermione's word, we were given Anti-Cheating quills for written examinations with practical examinations as well. Professor Flitwick called us up to see if we could make a pineapple tap dance across a desk. Professor McGonagall had us turn a mouse into a snuffbox and back again.

The worst exam came during potions, with Snape being the insufferable git that he is, watched us to try to brew a forgetfulness potion. He must have wanted me to fail, because he looked over at my potion to see I had done it perfectly and looked very upset.

The last exam came during History of Magic, which quite ironically the least looked forward to exam for all the students. All the questions were based off of old wizards and other crap about the wizarding world. As Professor Binns told us to put down our quills and roll up our parchment, me as well as other students found the need to cheer.

"That was far easier than I thought." Hermione said as the four of us left the classroom to go down to the Black Lake. "I needn't have learned about the 1637 Werewolf Code of Conduct or the uprising of Elfric the Eager."

"Can we please not talk about the bloody exam?" Ron asked. "It makes me ill to know I didn't answer it right."

"Hey Mione, what did you think about your potions for Snape's exam?" I asked her.

"I said don't!" Ron complained.

"You were talking about the history exam, not the others, mate." I said while Hermione giggled.

When we made it down to the Black Lake, we found Fred, George, and Lee Jordan trying to tickle the squids tentacles while we laid down by the trees.

Ron and Harry sat by one tree while stretching their legs out happily. Me and Hermione sat down by another tree next to each other. She pulled a book out and we both sat together reading out of the same book.

"No more studying!" Ron sighed with a smile. "You should look more cheerful Harry, we've got a week to find out how badly we have done, there's no need to worry yet."

Harry began to rub his forehead

"I wish I knew what this means!" He exclaimed angrily. "My scar keeps hurting- it's happened before, but never as often as this."

"You could go to Madam Pomfrey?" Hermione suggested.

"I'm not ill." Harry said. "I think it's a means danger is coming."

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