I did'int mean to Raph!

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April walked through the hallway as she was rubbing her eyes till she hit her cheek on somthing, "Ouch.." She scoffed. April moved her head up and grinned she saw Raph, "HAH!..See plasteron's have their advantages!" Raph sneered. April got right back up to reach, eye-to eye with Raph. Raph was shorter..April walked by him as she sat down at the kitchen table, "..Morning April" Mother replied handing her some cereal. "Thank you Mrs. Williams.." April thanked as she began to eat. Raph headed into the bathroom to shower, Casey smirked as he scared April, "AHH! DARN! Casey!!" April growled. Casey smiled as he was given cereal as well, the shower hissed as the water poured onto Raph, he smiled letting the water hit him in the face. "..ahh..nice warm water.." Raph grinned. {*}10 minites later..{*} Raph turned off the shower, he hopped out drying himself with a towel he'd tie his mask on and slip his gear right on. April sighed, she thought of Raph she really did have feelings for him! But why him and not Casey? April pondered, her hand cocked on her chin. Raph walked out of the bathroom and sat at the table as Mother handed him cereal Raph gulped it down. April blushed madly before excusing herself she walked out and placed on a tanktop and nikee hightops with sweatpants. "...Casey can I be alone with Raph for like 2 mins..?" April asked Casey. Raph cocked his head as well as an eyebrow. Casey gave a glare but reluctantly followed, he went to Raph and his shared room. ".so?" Raph asked. April blushed, fixing her red hair "..Raph look.." April began. April bit her lip before grabbing Raph's mask tails and pulling them toward her. "A-April?" Raph questioned. April kissed Raph, Raph did not kiss back instead he pushed her away. "APRIL?! WHAT THE HECK!!" Raph roared. April gasped as tears began covering her icey blue eyes she darted toward her room and slammed the door behind her. Raph sighed he was guilty and..angery "..why..did she do that" Raph asked himself. Raph gave her time before he walked to her door he knocked on it, "..April?" Raph asked. "C-Come in.." April mumbled threw the door. Raph came in and sat next to April, "...April sorry I yelled...I was just suprised...I was not especting that at all.." Raph replied. April glanced at Raph, "..I know, but I did'nt mean to Raph.." April said apologeticly. "..Raph I like you dearly.."April replied blushing mading and putting her head in her knees. Raph placed his hand on April's knee, "..April..I think of you as my older sister..I love you as my sister and I always will.." Raph responed as he hugged April. April was shocked that this hot-headed turtle was hugging her, she hugged back, "..Alright siblings love?" April replied holding up her pinky. Raph tried to pinky promise but..he did not have a pinky so he just fist bumped her. But then a slow clapping was heard at the frame of the door, Raph and April jolted their heads to the door to see the barf-face Casey..".ooooooo!" Casey Mocked. Rah growed and tackled Casey in to and arm lock, "Say it." Raph replied. "..Raphael..is all wise...and powerful!" Casey replied. Raph squeezed him harder, "AAAAAND.." Raph snorted. Casey exhaled. "...And he will rule the earth for all flipping eternity!!" 

CYA SOILDERS! Stay tuned aswell!

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