Finding them.

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Mother woke it was 5:00 on the dot, she groaned but got up and slipped on her amish sort-a kind of dress. She glanced to her husbend and kissed his cheek before heading into the kitchen, she was shocked to see her sons and April standing there, bags on their backs. "...Mama.." Raph replied. "...yes Raphael?" Mother asked. Raph walked up to his mother and wrappe dhis hands around her bringing her into a tight hug, as tears fought from his emrald green eyes he cried into his mother's shirt. "..My s-son what's wrong?" Mother asked. "...Mama I'm..going to search for my brothers.." Raph managed to say through his teared face. Mother gasped a bit and looked at Raphael, "...I wish you good luck... my son I love you" Mother replied as a tear fell from her brown-hazel eye.  "..and we will be joining him.." April and Casey replied in sync. Mother smiled, "..I am proud at all of you...good luck" She kissed Raph's forehead then Casey's and she gave April a small hug. "..Alright team cmon." Raph responed as he headed out with Casey and April. Raph headed in the direction of the woods as Casey was in charge of the compase, while April delt with the camp sites, they'd often come upon. Casey sat down his bag as he got out a water bottle he drank some, and offerd April some, April smiled and drank some April asked Raph if he wanted any. Raph grinned and drank out of the bottle and handed back to Casey. {*} With the Saber{*} Leo groaned and limped up he helped his brothers up aswell, "..Anybody have thoughts if Raph is still alive...?" Mikey asked. Donnie glanced at Mikey and nodded his head as tears were filling his eyes. Leo had waterworks as well but he did not want to cry in front of his crew, Mikey put his hand on Leo's shoulder, "..It's okay to we miss him to.." Mikey replied. Leo exhaled before spotting the Saber, Leo hid with Donnie and Mike. The Saber lurked for prey, "..Come out, Come out where ever you are" The Saber cooed. Mikey had to sneeze, soo...Donnie covered Mikey's mouth and nose Donnie ad Leo both shook their heads rapidly hopeing Mikey would not sneeze. "AAAAAACHOO!" Mikey's sneeze echoed. The Saber's ears perched up now, it's paws curling as it ran to the turtles location, "..GOTCHA!" The Saber roared as it dug its saber-teeth into Leo's arm. "AHHRCH!!!!" Leo roared. Donnie went for the Saber but the Saber snatched Donnie's mask tails and ripped his mask apart. The Saber sneered the purple mask in his fangs, the Saber poucned on Donnie and scratched his arm and dug his long fangs into Donnie's arm. "AHHHH!" Donnie screamed. Mikey snorted and pounced for the Saber, but the Saber smirked widly as he headbutted Mikey mid-air. The Saber padded off, but soon returned and placed passed out Alopex next to knocked out Donnie. "...Pack put them in cells.." Saber replied giving off a hiss. {*}Back with Raph{*} Casey began to complain, "Im tired, and Im hunnnngry!!!" Casey snorted. Anger boiled inside of Raph he was about to blow, April was just about to blow as well, "SHUT UP!" Raph roared. Casey and April both jolted up by the sudden outburst, "..Raph." April replied pointing behind Raph. Raph spun around and spotted a cave, he looked at the cave closly his emrald green eye filling with memory. "....Cmon guys.." Raph replied.

Cya Soilders! Don't worry don't y'all worry I will continue soon!

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