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Rin's POV

Reiji was about to talk when we heard a flirty voice, "fufufu~ Looks like we have a human girl now~~"

The next thing I knew, another teenager who looks exactly like Ayato except he has reddish-brown hair and wears a fedora is licking my sister's neck which I think made her shivers in pleasure.

"Let me have a taste too..."

Suddenly a boy who seems to be cute yet creepy also appears out of nowhere and starts to lick Yui. 'Great! Now not only I need to live with a dumb and a total fake of a sister but I also need to live with perverts?! This day is getting better and better!' I thought sarcastically as my eye twitch in annoyance.

"She's sweet!" said the purple haired boy.

"Laito, Kanato, please behave now," Reiji scolded the two perverts.

"Hey! Don't touch her! She belongs to Ore-sama because I'm the one who finds her first!" Ayato yelled at the two.

'Wow! Possessive much?'

"Tch! I'm so sick of you calling your self Ore-sama!" Another voice is heard.

'Hmm.. Let me guess.. A tsundere?'

"Oi! I know it's you Subaru! Come out and show yourself!" Ayato called 'Subaru'.

"I'm here."

All of us turned over to the owner of the voice which is another teenager again who has white and pinkish hair and also red ruby eyes.

"Tch! Is this the mortal who dares to disturb my sleep?!" He asked.

'Oooh~ I can relate with you. I mean who wouldn't get angry if someone disturb your precious sleep.' I thought in agreement as I nod my head.

"How did you get here?" My stupid sister asked in confusion.

'Are you serious? This is THEIR mansion.'

Suddenly, Subaru punch the wall who did not do anything to him and yelled, "My question first!"

'Anger issue? And poor wall...'  I thought as I look at the now dent wall in pity.

I look at Yui whose now looking absolutely terrified but I could care less. Then Reiji suddenly said, "Does anyone know about this matter?"

And... We were greeted by silence. Well that is until Yui is going to something stupid again. Just great!

"Umm.. It seems that there is a misunderstanding here so I shall take my leave now," She said as she stand up and starts walking towards the exit.

'And she said she is well mannered. Yeah right. Leaving so soon when you're the one whose barging into their place in the first place. Yup! Definitely well mannered.'

As she started to walk, Reiji stopped her by saying or rather scolding, "Excuse me, I'm trying to solve the problem here and you think it's wise to leave now."

Suddenly, another voice is heard, "Are you perhaps the people... He's talking about?"

'Sheesh.. just how many people are there in this huge mansion?!'

"Shu, are you saying you know about this?" Reiji asked a man who's sleeping on a sofa by the window.

'Ooh~ That seems comfortable~ Ahh~ I want to go to sleep now~'

"Mabye," That's all the reply we get from this Shu guy.

"Don't give me a mabye crap! Just tell us!" Shouted the cute boy.

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