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Rin's POV

After the brothers go to their own room, I follow Reiji in silence as we walked towards my room. I'm feeling tired by every step I take. Ugh! This is so energy consuming. I'm definitely going straight to sleep after this.

Suddenly, Reiji stop walking and now we're standing in front of a silver coloured door.

"This will be your quarters from now on. Now excuse me, I will be going to my room," said Reiji and then teleport to his own room.

I just shrugged and proceed to enter my new room. I look around and it's fine for me. I walk straight to the bed and instantly lie down.

'Oooh~ This is sooo soft~~ Better than the hard rock bed at the church. Ahh~~ I'm getting sleepy now. I guess a short nap wouldn't hurt.'

With that I instantly fell into a peaceful slumber with Rigel in my arms joining me for a nap.

~~Time skip~~

*Knock, knock*

I groaned as I sit up while cursing whoever is disturbing my sleep in my head. I walk lazily to the door and opened it. It's of course Reiji. What does he want now?

"This is your uniform. Go change right now because we will go to school soon. Don't be late or there will be punishment." He said while giving me my uniform and disappear immediately.

"Just great! We're going to attend night school everyone. Hurray! This soooo exciting!" I grumbled in annoyance as I close the door and go to change into my uniform. But I altered it a bit so right now I'm wearing my hoodie and put on the school's blazer and pants. That's it.

"Come on, Rigel. It's time to go to school," I said as I pick up Rigel and put him in my arms and starts to pat his soft fur. I teleport to the living room and see Reiji standing there alone with an antique stopwatch in his hands.

He looks over to me in surprised and said, "Good. You're quite early. Just wait for a few minutes for the rest to come."

I just nodded at him and sat down on one of the armchair. I close my eyes as I continue to pat Rigel. For the next few minutes, one by one the rest of the brothers came and now we're waiting for Pop tart. Great, she's late. Does she ever learned to have manners? Oh wait, mabye not cause she's too stupid to even understand.


"I'm sorry I'm late everyone!"

'Finally! The attention seeker has arrived!'

"Tch! You dumb human! You dare to make us wait for you and now because of you we're late! We were supposed to go half an hour ago, you stupid mortal!" Shouted Kanato in anger.

"Enough! Let's go to school and as for Ms. Komori, you will receive your punishment later," said Reiji.

We all proceed to enter the limo which isn't surprising for me since they have a literal mansion so why wouldn't they have a limo. Pop tart sat next to Ayato at one side while I sit between Shu and Kanato.

The ride was quiet with all the brothers are minding their own business. As for me, well I almost fell asleep if it weren't for Pop tart  trying to get attention.

"Hey pancake! Let Ore-sama have your blood!" Said Ayato as he gets closer to Yui's neck to bite her.


"You dare to defy Ore-sama!" Yelled Ayato as he gripped her hand.

"Ayato, that's enough! Please do such activities in your room."

"Tch! You're such a buzz kill, Reiji!"

"Here, drink this. It is 100% cranberry juice which is a best cure for weak human like you," said Reiji as he tossed a box of cranberry juice to Yui.

"T-thank you."

"Don't thank him. He just wants to make sure the food is not going to die so soon." I said to her with my eyes half closed.

"Well at least I have manners, unlike you disgraceful brat!"

"Really? And you having such good manners thinks it's wise to make us wait for you to wear your thick makeup for half an hour."

"Shut up, you freak!"

"Alright, Pop tart."

Once again the triplets laugh while the said person is fuming in anger. She was about to continue when Reiji glared at her making her flinched and shut up in obedience. The rest of the journey went fine. When we arrive, I heard loud screaming from outside which made my eyes twitch.

"Really? Now I need to cope with more attention seekers and yandere girls?!" I whispered under my breath but it seems Laito heard me.

"Fufufu~ Someone's annoyed~"

I just glared at him which just make him smile. Then one by one the brothers exited the limo starting from the oldest to youngest. As soon as they step out, the screaming increases which hurt my ears since vampires are sensitive to sound. I really wonder how the brothers tolerate with this every night.

"Shu-sama! I love you!"

"Ahh! Reiji-kun!! Please take me!!!"

"Ayato-sama! Please marry me!"

"Kanato-sama! I made cookies for you!"

"Ahh! Laito-sama! Please take me as your girl!"

"Subaru-sama, please notice me!"

Ugh! Can't they shut their mouth! I just want peace and quiet, is it that hard to get?! Then the flatbread makes her grand entrance, and it seems that she is already getting haters. Oooh~ The show is getting interesting~

"Who is that!"

"Dunno but I'm pretty sure she's a slut!"

"Tch! How dare that bitch get close with our boys!"

I just smirked as I hear the insults thrown to flatbread. They're so correct about her being such thing. Suddenly, I froze when I heard something from one of the girls.

"Yup! She doesn't deserve to be with the Sakamaki brothers at all!"

'Wait... Sakamaki? Why does that sound familiar? Ack! My head!' I thought as I clutch my head in pain. I shook my head several times as the pain gradually decreases. The hell just happened?! Just why did the name Sakamaki feels familiar to me? I never met them before or did I?

I pushed my thoughts away, I'll just think about it later. Now, I have school to attend to. I step out the limo and suddenly the screams are back and the insults stopped. Great! Now my ears hurt!

"Kyah! Who is that guy!"

"Must be a new student!"

"He's so hot!"

"He's mine!"

"Nu-uh! He's mine! Don't you dare steal him from me!"

"Hey! But why is he near to that slut?! Is she his girlfriend?!"

"No way! She's a just a bitch who wants attention!"

"Yes, you're quite correct about her being a bitch but you girls forgot that you're the same as well," I said to them which makes all the noisy girls shut up. Satisfied, I enter the school not caring about an enraged Pop tart behind me.

"Fufufu~ That's quite savage, Sleepy-kun~"

"It's the truth and besides, they're pissing me off."

"This is Ms. Komori and yours schedule. Ms. Komori will be in the same class as Ayato. As for you, you will be in the same class as me," said Reiji as he gave me and Pop tart's schedules.

Then we all separate with me following Reiji for our Chemistry class. When we arrive Reiji told me to stay outside as he go inside the classroom and tell the teacher. Then he sat down at his seat and the teacher signals to me to enter.

"Class, before we begin our lesson for today. You have a student joining your class. Please come in."

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