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A/N: Hello everyone! Firstly, I want to apologize for not updating for two weeks. I was not feeling well. Secondly, I was going to update yesterday but something went wrong so there's no electricity at my house. Thus I couldn't update. So I'm terribly sorry for not updating. Now enjoy reading.


3rd Person POV

Yui has woke up and see Ayato in front of her. Suddenly Ayato carried her bride style and said, "Finally you woke up Pancake. Now you are at the mercy of Ore-sama."

Ayato carries Yui and walk towards the edge of the mansion's indoor swimming pool. Ayato then throws Yui into the pool and said, "Go on! Say it! Ore-sama is the best! Say it!"

Ayato sees Yui struggling to breathe as she doesn't know how to swim. Yui eventually lose her consciousness once more and started to drown.

Ayato who has been standing there the whole time had an intense debate going on in his mind. 'Should I save her or not? I don't want to but then if she dies, I won't get to taste Tall Guy's takoyaki. Hmm... Okay that's it! I want my takoyaki! He better keeps his word!'

With that, Ayato jumped into the pool and saves Yui by kissing her to give her air while thinking, 'This is all for takoyakis!'

~Now going back to Rin and co.~

Rin's POV

What are they talking about? How did they know that I played the piano? Can anybody tell me what in the world just happened?

"It seems that there's a malfunction happened with the broadcasting system which leads to the audio from the music room to air so sudden and then everyone heard someone playing the piano which is you," explained Reiji.

"What the hell?! How in the world did it get malfunction?! I swear I will get the person who did this!" I grumbled.

"Fufufu~ we didn't know you could play the piano Sleepy-kun~" said Laito.

"Shut up, Hentai! And I've been playing it since I was a child," I said to the pervert while glaring at him.

"Ne~ Did you write it and what's the name?" Asked Kanato.

"Yes, I did. Its name is Spring Day. I wrote it during my childhood I think."

"Did you write it for someone?" Asked Shu.

"I think so.. But I don't remember who though..."

"Tch! How can you not remember who you wrote it for?!" Said Subaru.

"I had some memory loss during my childhood actually..." I said quietly.


"Mabye or mabye not. I just don't know, okay?! I don't have any memories about my childhood. I don't remember my own father. All I remember is my mother's face before she left me in the woods as she dies."

The ride became silent after I said that. To be honest, I never told anyone about my memory loss. Even Seiji doesn't know about it. I just told him my parents died. But I just don't understand what I'm feeling now. I feel comfortable and somewhat trust them. Why am I feeling this way?

By the time I break out from my thoughts, we had arrived at the mansion. I got out of the car and went straight to my room. I lay down on my bed and sigh heavily. Then Rigel nudged me and said, "Are you okay Rin?"

"I don't know. Part of me feels confused and the other feels relieved I guess. I'm relieved that I finally told someone but I'm confused about the brothers. They seemed very familiar yet not. I don't remember meeting them before but I just know that I knew them. Ugh! This is so confusing!"

Suddenly, I heard my door slammed open and Ayato barged into my room. I was about to ask what's his problem when he shouted, "Hey Tall Guy! Where's my takoyakis?! You promised to make me some!"

"Tsk! I just came home and you want me to do it now!"

"Duh! Of course I want it now! And don't you dare to refuse because I just save Pancake's life for you so you have make takoyakis for me as a repayment!"

"Wait! What! Pop tart almost died! How! What happened! As much as I want her to die, but I promise that old man that she would not die!"

"Well, it's because I threw her into the pool. How dare she disrespect Ore-sama! And how would Ore-sama know that she couldn't swim!"

"...Fine, since you saved her life I'll let this one aside and I'll make you your takoyakis, Oreo!"

"Hey! Don't call Ore-sama that!"

"Shut up! Before I changed my mind about those takoyakis!"

With that Ayato finally shut his mouth and walk away from my room. I get up as much as I don't want to but I have do it anyway. Rigel went to sleep as he refused to join me. I went down to the kitchen. Somehow I found it without getting lost.

I enter the kitchen and unsurprisingly see Reiji wearing his smart clothes with an apron cooking something. Then I said, "Hey, may I use the kitchen? Oreo ask me to make his takoyakis."

"Sure, but do not make a mess and clean up yourself after using the kitchen. Also, the pantry is through that door. You can find all the ingredients there."

After he said that, Reiji went back to cooking. I go inside the pantry to find it full of ingredients. It looks like a supermarket. But I'm not surprised seeing that they're living in a mansion, it's obvious that they have a pantry like this. I walk around the pantry and take all the ingredients that I would need. Then I start to make takoyakis. As it cook, I ask Reiji if he would make dessert. Only to get the information that the brothers don't stay long for any dessert but Reiji told me I can make dessert if I want to. Thus, I decided to make one of my favorites, strawberry cake and also a simple castella cake.

By the time I finish making takoyakis and cakes, it was time for dinner. I help Reiji setting up the table as he went to call the brothers and Pop tart. I sat down between Shu and Subaru as Pop tart sat next to Ayato. As I keep eating my dinner in silence, I noticed that Reiji, Subaru and Ayato are the only ones whose eating decently. Unlike Shu who's just sitting in his chair, sleeping with his food untouched. I swear he is even more lazy than me and can't they be grateful for the food they had. Then I see Laito playing with his food with a bored look on his face and Kanato who's apparently stabbing his food with his fork. As for Pop tart, well she just kept staring at the brothers also glaring at me for no reason. Tsk! Doesn't she knows it's rude to stare at people especially if they're vampires. Seriously, she will be in trouble if she kept doing that but who am I to care. Suddenly, she shrieked so loud that it hurts my ears. What is it this time?!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2020 ⏰

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