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Rin's POV

"Ouch!" cried Yui as she looks over her knee which has blood flowing out.

The smell of blood quickly diffuse into the air. I smell the sweet scent of Yui's blood and I'm pretty sure that my eyes are red including the brothers.

When Yui looks up and sees the brothers eyes were red, she immediately flinched. I guess she finally realized that the brothers are vampires because she does another stupid thing which is pulling out her cross.

"Take this you monsters!" She shouted.

I couldn't held back my laughter anymore so I just laugh out loud. I stand up and walk over to her and proceed to crouched down to her and said, "You're so pathetic, Yui. You think that's gonna work? Tsk! This is why you're so weak because you're so naive and dumb."

"What?! It didn't work?! Why?!" She yelled in confusion.

"Tsk! This is why you mortals are so annoying. You thought that things like that will ever kill us. You mortals are so arrogant that you think you're more superior than us. This is why I hate mortals." Reiji said.

I look at Yui's face which is getting paler every second, I smirk as I lower my head just next to her ear and said something that shock her and the brothers, "Besides those things failed to kill me for years so why do you think it would ever work?"

With that, she looked at me horrified as she stands up and ran away. Tsk! Wrong move, Yui. She's really dumb thinking that she can escape from vampires. Oh well~

I stand up and look at the brothers who seems to be shocked. I just stare at them, waiting one of them to recover from the shock. Fortunately it didn't take long and of course it's Reiji who would recover first.

"Ahem! Could you please explain that, Mr Komori?"

"I'm a vampire just like you guys. Also, just call me Rin, I hate it when people call me that," I said as I show them my fangs.

"Pure born or turned into?"

"Pure born, I guess since my mother is a vampire herself."

"How about your sister?"

"As you can see from how she reacts, she is definitely 100% a dumb human and she is definitely not my sister. I never ever will consider her as my family. Just how is she related to me is because her father adopted me, not that I considered him to be my father, so I'm just her brother in name only not by blood. Now is that all?"

"No I still have few more questions to ask you, why?"

"Well that can wait because excuse me but I'm going to find Pop tart now before she does something stupid again."

With that, I stopped talking to Reiji and called out my wolf. "Rigel sorry to bother you but I need you to find Pop tart as much as I hate to."

Rigel jumps down from my neck which surprised the brothers again, to see a wolf coming out of nowhere. I saw Reiji was about to ask about Rigel but I just gave him the look that says 'we'll talk about this later'. Leaving him no time to refuse as I follow Rigel to find Pop tart. The reason why I need Rigel to sniff her out is because one, I'm lazy to run around the whole mansion; two, this is a freaking mansion not some tiny house; three, I would rather not get lost in this huge freaking mansion.

When I look the room that Pop tart entered has locks on the door but it's been broken, I knew that I just had to jinx it. She just had to do ANOTHER stupid thing. Who would go into a locked room which is clearly stating that is a forbidden area of the property. Of course only dumb people like Pop tart would go. I thank and offer him one of his favorite thing, cherry tomatoes, Rigel nod happily and climb up to my neck and stay there while munching his tomatoes.

"Yo! Pop tart! You just had to make another problem!"

I raised one of my eyebrows when I realized that she is definitely ignoring me. I walk over to Pop tart who seems to be in shock. I wonder what in the world that made her go shock like this. Suddenly she dropped onto the floor and whispered, "I'm not father's daughter?"

'Oh! It's about this. No wonder she is so shock. Hmm.. should I tell her? Hmmm... Mabye I should, I really want to see her expression,' I thought.

I walk over next to her and said the truth, "Yes, Pop tart. You're not his biological daughter. You're just his adopted daughter."

"What! No way! It couldn't be! Wait! How would you know?!"

"I just know, alright."

"No! You're lying! I don't believe you!"

"Tch! Seriously?! Fine! I'll tell you the whole story! Now be a good girl and don't interrupt me or else."

She just nodded meekly as I threatened her. I know the brothers are here but I don't care besides I don't have to explain about this again. I walk over to the book case and leaned against it. I take Rigel into my arms and fed him more tomatoes as I start with the story.

"Now, where do we start? Ah! Yes! Let's see it began about sixteen years ago. When you were just born into the world. Which is considered one of biggest tragedy happened. Anyways your father, Seiji, at that time was heading back to the church from the local market. On the way there he met a man with dark green hair holding the baby you in his arms. The man asked Seiji to take care of you giving the reason that he is not your biological father and just found you lying around in front of his house. He also said that he can't take care of you so he wants Seiji to raised you. So Seiji look at the baby you and instantly felt pity. Yuck! Anyways, he agrees and with that the man gave you to Seiji. And so Seiji bring you to the church where you were raised with all the love you get. Tch! And then you grew up to be their beloved little girl who is so pure and naive yet in my opinion, you are just a stupid girl who loves attention so much and think you are so mighty. Fortunately, the girl is destined to be dead. But sadly, it's only a wish that I really want to came true. Which I hope so. With that, the end! Lovely story don't you think? Especially the ending!"

"Hahaha! Good one, lazy guy!" said Ayato.

"Of course it is, Oreo-sama~" I said sweetly.


"Hahaha! Oreo! Great name, Sleepy-kun!"

"Why thank you, Hentai!"

"Mou~~ You're mean!"

"Hehehe~ Oreo and Hentai. Perfect name for them, isn't it teddy?"

"Thank you for the compliment, cutie~" I teased Kanato. He is cute though even though he is bipolar but who cares.

"What?! Cutie? I'm not cute!" Said Kanato with a pout and blush on his face which make him even more cute.

"Fufufu~ Is Kanato blushing~~" teased Laito.

"Shut up, Hentai!"


The laughter only stops after me and the brothers heard the only girl in the room screaming. Refusing to take the truth.

"No! You're lying! That's not true!" Yui shouted at me.

"Oh well. It's up to you if you want to believe it or not. I only tell you the truth."

Yui shakes her head and was about to run away when Ayato caught her.

"Where do you think you're going, Pancake?"

"Let me go! I need to see my father!"

"Tch! You dare to defy Ore-sama!"

Ayato gripped her hand so tight that Yui whimpered in pain. Suddenly she fainted to the ground. Probably due to shock and pain.

Reiji sighed at the sight then said, "Ayato bring her to her room. As for the rest, go to your own room. And Rin, follow me to your room."

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