3.5 by Rin

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Hello~ It's Rin. So you see the author, Silver, is busy right now and I'm bored but full of energy since I just woke up. Then I found this so I write a chapter so I hope you enjoy this.

P.S: Don't tell her it's me~

Anyway, this chapter is for those who might be asking how I know Pop tart's origin so I will be telling you here. Enjoy~

**Warning! Mention of blood and abuse!!**

~Flashback to when I'm twelve years old~

Those people finally left me alone. Sigh. I look at my pale skin which is now covered in blood. My blood. Another normal day. Ever since they've found out that I'm a vampire, they have been doing this even though they knew I would just heal quickly.

I close my eyes as I leaned against the cold hard wall, I feel very tired right now. Before I could fell into my slumber, I heard footsteps. Sigh. Great he's coming.

The cell door opened and he come in. Seiji Komori. My adopted father not that I considered him. He walks over to me and then kick me in the stomach making me groaned in pain. He scowled at me and grabbed my chin harshly and said, "Tch! You demon! Why are you still alive huh?! Why can't you just die! You disgrace!"

I just smirked at him which made him angry as he punch my face. Blood came out from my mouth. Then I turn my head to him and mock him, "Is that the best you got?"

Seiji punch me once more and grab my hair pulling me near to his face. He said, "Shut up, you monster!"

I just stare into his eyes emotionlessly. Then he said, "Why are you always wearing that stupid eye patch huh? What are hiding there?"

My eyes widen and before I could stop him, he snatched my eye patch which exposed my bright purple eye. No.

"Heh! It's just another freaky thing about you! You really are a monster! You de-"

**End of warning!!**

I didn't hear him anymore because I'm not there now. I mean I'm still there physically but mentally, I'm not because as soon as my purple eye makes an eye contact with his eyes I can either see his past or future. But it seems that I'm now looking at his past.

~Seiji's past~

I look around and it's seems like an office? It does look like it. Anyways, I see Seiji sitting on a chair and a young man sitting the opposite of him. The young man has dark plum purple neatly combed hair. He has pale magenta pair of eyes and wore a rectangular glasses with silver frame. He has a slender body build and wear smart clothes. (Rin/N: If you're wondering, yes it's Reiji. Just that I didn't knew him at that time.)

The young man pulled out a picture of a woman whose long blonde hair tied up into a bun and she also has blue eyes. The young man then said, "I want you to kill this woman."

"And why me? Why don't you kill her yourself?" Questioned Seiji.

"That is none of your business, human. I know you're a vampire hunter so why do you want to miss this opportunity?" Said the young man with a smirk on his face which also made his fangs to be visible so it proves that he is a vampire.

'What?! So Seiji is also working as a vampire hunter! But why didn't he kill me?! He knows I'm a vampire, then why?! Wait unless... Of course! You bastard just wanted to enjoy torturing me! Why give me an easy death when he can slowly kill me!' I thought as I glared at Seiji.

Seiji then said, "Very well then, I would kill her for you. Just remember that I will come again to kill you next."

"I would like to see you try, human," said the young man before he teleport to elsewhere.

After that, the scenes changes. Now I see a deal made between Seiji and a man with dark green hair and red eyes whom I'm sure is a vampire. Also, it seems that this is how he got Flatbread.

Afterwards, I saw a lot of his past. When the last scene ended, I finally came back into reality and time is still the same.

"Heh! It's just another freaky thing about you! You really are a monster! You demon!"

I punched Seiji hard enough that he passed out. Tsk! This is why I absolutely hate it when someone takes off my eye patch. Whenever it happened, I would definitely see the past of the person I make eye contact with and I would only come back when it's all over. Also, time works differently, for me it seems like a long time passes by but in reality it just a less than a second. Ugh! My powers aren't stable enough, and I just couldn't control it yet. This is the reason why I'm using an eye patch.

Then, I take back my eye patch and wear it before I stand up and leave the dungeon to go visit Rigel. My cutest and precious little wolf. Leaving behind the unconscious bastard.

~Flashback ends~

Well that's it everybody! How was it? This is also how I recognize Reiji! You know, from chapter 1! If you do remember that...

Anyway, I shall stop here before Silver found out about this. So goodbye and see you in the next cha-

"What are you doing, Rin?"

Uh oh! I'm so dead now! Bye!

~Few minutes later~

Silver here! I see what he just did here and I read it. Then I thought why not just publish this. So here you go! A special chapter from Rin! See you in the next chapter!

Also, in case your wondering or not, but I'm updating this story every week unless something happened. And usually between Thursday to Sunday. It's random though, but it's definitely going to be updated during one of those days. Thank you for reading this and for your support!

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