||˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Cliché 06

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C L I C H É 0 6
sweet dreams

❝ let's walk into the darkness together, as we get lost in each others thoughts

❝ let's walk into the darkness together, as we get lost in each others thoughts ❞

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F E B R U A R Y 2 5

the cliche of
knocking on their dorm
room because they cant

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knock knock knock

the (h/c) haired girl stirred in her sleep the moment she had heard the knocking in her dorm room. she abruptly sat up from her bed, catching her breath as she let out a cold sweat. she hugged her shivering figure as she slowly rocked herself back forth in attempt to ease the palpitations of her heart.

another nightmare.

she had heard yet another set of knocks before shakily making her way towards the door. the images of her nightmare still in the back of her mind making her hesitant to answer the door and instead just crawl back up in her blankets slowly wishing she could fall back asleep.

but knowing herself, she wouldn't be able to.

turning the knob, she swung the door open only to see the peppermint head in his pajamas. his hand was raised into a fist seeming as if he were going to knock once again.

"todoroki?" all the lingering thoughts of the previous nightmare had left her mind the moment she spots the icyhot author by her doorstep. she cocked her head in confusion seeming as if she were still stuck processing why the peppermint head would visit her in the night. does he perhaps need something?

"were you sleeping?" he asked, noticing the way her hair was slightly messy and the way her eyes were slightly droopy. she smiled in response before shrugging. "i was trying to" she mumbled before the male nodded his head in reply.

"it's just 8:30" he looked over at his nonexistent watch before she leaned against her door frame, seeming as if the shaking in her legs didn't disappear yet. "i'm just tired from the week. but somehow, i still can't sleep" she told the male.

honestly, she couldn't get decent sleep the whole week. there were always these bothersome thoughts visiting her during the night. causing her to overthink and lose track of time.

"um... anyways, what brings you here? do you need something?" she asked before he nodded his head. "i just wanted to ask you if you're up for a night stroll outside? i need your help on one scene in the book" he told her honestly. she hid a smile forming in her face, recalling a similar scene in the book she gave him.

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