Author's Note

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Hellooo! How are you guys? I'm still alive and kicking here. I just made this sorta announcement/author's note to apologize. I know I said that I would post the next chapter (Ch 17) immediately, which is a month ago already O.O I'm really sorry. I've been busy with job-hunting, got hired, and started working last last week. Anyways, what I'm really trying to say here is that I'm still adjusting to this kind of life (lol) I'm yet to get used to changing work schedules, and I even have graveyard shifts, so, uhm...there's that...Buuuuut, I really, really, really want to write again and update. I can't remember if I've said this already before, but writing, for me, is therapeutic. It's like an escape from reality, and I feel really great when I write, and of course, when other people enjoy reading my works, so thank you so much for all of you and all your support! It really warms the heart, you know. 

To conclude this note: again, I'm sorry that I wasn't able to update for a long time, but I promise to, as soon as I adjusted to my schedule and to adulthood (basically). I hope you're still there when that time comes >.< Until the next update! Stay healthy and safe!

P.S. Another thing. Thank you for your comments! I was shocked to see that I have 700+ notifications when I logged in here!! Though I won't be able to reply, please know that I read every single one of them :D Thank youuuuu! I really appreciate it xoxo

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