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*in the afternoon*
Gabriella's pov.

i woke up it was 5pm,i got out of paytons embrace and got downstairs.
i was hungry so i did some pasta,as i was doing the past i heard someone walk into the kitcheen.

P:whatchu doin?
G:pasta want some?
G:soo the party's in two days..
P:yup,what are you going to dress?
G:idk, i went shoping the other day,you?
P:probably some sweatpants and a tshirt,but i need you to dress...how am i gonna say this in the good way...
G:tell me
P:sluty and sexy like if you would smash the most gorgeous guy ever
G:....i think i might have the perfect dress
P:great but ill also need you to do something
P:you will have to kill Tayler so we can go to that safe in ohio
G:ill try my best

G:here you go pastaaaa
P:who thoght you this
G:my nonna
P:well shes a great cooker
G:yeah she is
P:so what do you want to do ?
G:can i ask you something?
G:why are you being so nice to me today
P:no reason
G:Payton please tell me
P:i feel guilty for what i did to you yesturday
G:well you dont need to do this bc the last thing i need is your petty, excuse me

i said getting up from the table going to my room.

i decided to call my mom

ag:Ciao dolcezza
(hi sweaty)
G:Ciao momma
(hi mom)
ag:Allora come va con Payton?
(so how's it going with payton?)
G:quando posso andare a casa mamma
(when can i go home mom)
G:mi spaventa mamma
(he scares me mom)
ag:cosa intendi?
(what do you mean?)
G:mamma ieri è tornato a casa ubriaco e mi ha quasi ucciso
(mom yestuday he came home drunk and he almost killed me)
ag:oh tesoro tutti i ragazzi sono uguali, quando ti incontro papà avevamo una missione insieme e anche lui mi ha quasi ucciso ma l'ho perdonato
(oh honey all the guys are the same,when i meet you dad we had a mission together and he almost killed me too but i forgave him)
ag:sì, quindi vai da lui e digli che lo perdoni, okay e fagli promettere che non lo farà più
(yes,so go to him and say you forgive him okay and make him promise you he wont do it again)
G:grazie mamma, ti amo
(thanks mom,i love you)
ag:ti amo anch'io
(i love you too)

and then i hung up, i got downstairs and saw payton sitting on the couch.

g:im sorry for how i acted its just...
g:im not scared of you,im scared of what you can do
P:oh, but i promise i wont hurt you ever again
G:thanks and i forgive you, aperantly my dad did the same to my mom when they met
G:yea,so lets go whatch a movie?

we watched the movie and we ended up falling asleep.

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