Episode Seven, Part 2: ✓

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Episode Seven, Part 2:
The Great Escape

After another mile of walking, Bas convinced Wynn to stop for the night. Only after they found a hidden, secretive cave, did Wynn resolve to his friend's pleas. Since they didn't have to worry about rain reaching them, they left the tent in its casing and set up a small fire to keep them warm. Although he didn't want to think too much about her, Wynn was grateful that Sol had spared some time to teach him a few survival skills, especially making a fir; in the cold, vacant night, it was the only thing that offered them a spark of comfort.

Bas was lying down, now, trying to convince himself that the thin blanket was enough to keep him warm and that he wasn't shivering with coldness when Wynn broke the silence. He was sitting up, staring into the fire, the flickering shadows on the cave's walls stealing his attention.

"Bas, we can't go back. I can't go back." His words, seemingly out of the blue, caused Bas to sit up. He looked over at his friend, a sudden concern for what was raging in his mind.

"Well not now. I haven't walked this far for nothing."

"No... I mean,"

Bas looked over at Wynn intently, observing his reaction. His closed eyes and pinched nose worried him - a clear sign that there was nothing fine about what he was trying to say.

"Spit it out." Bas murmured.

"They won't let me back - Basilisk. Not after what I did to get us out."

"Wynn, it's only a few bags. I'm sure they'll get over it."

"No!" Hecut him off. "She won't let me back."

"Sol?" Bas stumbled on her name.

"It's Riverly," Wynn corrected him. "That's her name."

"But don't you always call her-"

"I know what I said!" Wynnsnapped. He moved on before Bas could say another word. "But... I don't know... I don't think I should have done it." Wynn dropped his head in his hands, the weight of his actions finally too much for him.

"Hey," Bas leaned over. The soft punch he gave to his shoulder acted as a way to shake him from his troubles. We're trying to save our family. If they don't understand that, screw them."

"But maybe I should have done it differently. If her dad finds out that we've gone, or if she went out looking for us..." He didn't know how to finish his sentence. "I just don't think this is gonna end well."

"You're overthinking. Anyone else would do whatever they could to get to their family. Besides, if they don't let you back, none of us will go back."

"No. I can't let you guys do that. The whole point was to get everyone together again, to get everyone safe. You guys will stay at Basilisk."

Bas scoffed. "And where will you go?"

"I'm gonna go back to the Bunker."

"Family stays together, Wynn."

"You will. And when it's safer for you, we can meet, outside of Basilisk. But I can't stay there."

"Well, I think you're wrong. I think Basilisk could be good for us, and if Blood Riders really are as bad as they all say, then we'll go back to the Bunker. All of us. No one left behind."

Wynn smiled over at Bas, but there was nothing sincere about his expression. "You go sleep. I'll take the first watch."


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