[New life] J.M.R.F

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~ 8 and a half months ago ~

"Okay, okay. Whenever." Me and Jonah were in the bathroom right now waiting for two pregnancy tests to tell us the results about me being pregnant. "It'll be fine. If it's not then we'll try again." Jonah said pacing up and down the bathroom

I placed my hands on his shoulders and looked him in the eyes. "We've been doing this for 10 months. If I'm not, it'll be the world telling us not to." We both took deep breaths and then my timer went off.

"Okay ready?" I asked. Jonah nodded his head then. "3....2....1" Then at the both time we said. "Positive" "Negative." "Uggghhh!" I shouted. "We'll just go buy one more! Come on!"

We held hands and then ran to the pharmacy because it was only round the corner and as we got outside we were both out off breath, form running for like a minute.

"Holy fuck." I said nearly falling on the floor. "Yeah - I know." Jonah said out of breath.

One we caught our breath backs, we opened the pharmacy door and walked to the front desk. I rang the bell and a man come over.

"Hi how -" "We need a pregnancy test please." I said interrupting him. He walked over to the shelf and got one and scanned it. "That'll be -" "£5.34 I know." I paid by my phone and then took the pregnancy test.

"Come on!!" I shouted to Jonah as he only walked out of the pharmacy. We ran back home and was fiddling with the key to unlock the door.

Jonah finally found the key and I ran straight up the stairs and into the bathroom. And sat on the toilet. "Come on body fucking pee!!!" I shouted at my body.

The pee finally came out and I started the timer. "JONAH GET YOUR ASS UP HERE!!!!" I shouted down to my yetarded my boyfriend. He ran up the stairs, and tripped up them and then tumbled into the bathroom.

"What?!" "The timers starting." I said to him as I walked into his chest. We stood there in silence just in each others arms until I heard the timer go off.

I turned over the pregnancy test and it said positive. "POSITIVE!!!" I shouted to Jonah as I jumped on him. "Wow, we're going to be parents." "I know holy shit!"

I held Jonah's face and kissed him passionatlely on the lips. "I love you Jonah Marais." "I love you Y/N y/l/n." We kissed again and then Corbyn and Eben came into the bathroom.

"So from the news, we heard that you're pregnant." Eben said to us as he done jazz hands. "Yeah, so in 9 months there'll be a baby running round here." I said jumping out of Jonah's arms.

"Nope, you guys are moving out." Corbyn said as he left the room. "I second that." Eben then said following. "We're not moving out." I said to Jonah. He shook his head no and then we went to get some food.

~ 8 and a half months later ~

I woke up to a sharp pain in my stomach and I shouted "Holy fuck!" Jonah then shot up next to me. "What's wrong?" "I think it's - fuck - time!" Jonah jumped out of bed and put some clothes on and then we grabbed the bag and walked out the house.

As I went down the steps the contractions started. "Jonah!!!" I held onto the railing and then he grabbed my other hand. "Come on love. Come on just a few steps." Jonah lead me towards his car and he started his engine and went as fast as he could to the hospital.

"Ugh! Jonah drive -" "baby it's going to be fine." I gave him a death stare and then told him to. "Drive otherwise you won't be living after the birth."

Jonah took it as a sign to drive faster and soon enough we arrived at the hospital. Jonah got out of the car and opened my door. "I look fat." I said to him. Now the emotional bit of birth was hitting me.

"Just come on!" Jonah held my hand and we walked to the labour clinic. "Hi, excuse me? My girlfriend here is -" "I'M IN LABOUR SO GET ME A FUCKING NURSE!" I squeezed Jonah's hand and he dropped the bag to the floor. "Yep she's in labour."

A few nurses came rushing in with a bed and they put me on it. "Ugghhh!" I felt the baby start kicking. "It's kicking!" The nurses nodded their heads and hooked me up to machines and all that shit and then the labour started.

"Jonah get your - uggghhh!!! - ass here right now!!!" I was filled with pain right now and I needed to squeeze the life out of Jonah's hand.

~ 7 hours later ~

"One last push come on! I can see their head." I gave one final push and then I heard the baby cry and I fell back on the bed.

They gave me the baby first and then a tear came down from my eye. "What's the gender?" Jonah asked them as he looked down at the baby. "It's a girl." The nurse said as she was putting things away.

"What should we name her?" I looked up at Jonah and asked. "Mackenzie." Jonah said without even thinking. "You had that in mind for a while didn't you?" I asked him. He just nodded and then the boys, Eben, my mum, my sister and my dad came through the door.

"It's a bit crowded in here." I said to them out of bloody breath. "Yeah so can we just have y/n's family please." Jonah said calmly. The boys nodded their head and then left the room as my family stayed.

"And to think that the baby was just a bit of sperm." My dad said cracking a joke. "Dad!!" Me and my sister said to him. "What??" My mum decided to change the subject and then look at the back at the baby.

"What's their name." "Mackenzie." Me and Jonah said at the same time. "So are you keeping the same last name or???" Jonah handed my mum the baby and then I looked up at Jonah.

"Her name is Mackenzie Mai Frantzich." I then held his hand. "I love you."

𝙒𝙝𝙮 𝘿𝙤𝙣'𝙩 𝙒𝙚 𝙄𝙢𝙖𝙜𝙞𝙣𝙚𝙨 𝘼𝙣𝙙 𝙋𝙧𝙚𝙛𝙚𝙧𝙚𝙣𝙘𝙚𝙨Where stories live. Discover now