[Back muscles] D.J.S

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You and Daniel were at the gym at the moment

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You and Daniel were at the gym at the moment. For Daniel he went there at lest 4 times a week, and for you it was about 4 times every 2 months. And some how you two got onto a conversation topic on who can work out longer at the gym, so you went on the bike and Daniel went to do some pull ups.

While cycling, you found yourself on tik tok like always. And then you saw this thing where it was like "weird things us girls love". As you watched the video, it came up with the things you like and find attractive: veins, muscles, chains and back muscles. And it was such a true fact us girls do find those attractive.

You stopped exercising and went to go find Daniel. And to you're surprise, he was down stairs doing weights and doing pull ups still. And because of how sweaty, he was getting he took of his t-shirt, to show everyone his back muscles.

So, you decided to sneak up on him and lean your head on his shoulder and whisper in his ear. "Those back muscles are for me Mr Seavey." Daniel turned his head round to you shocked because of what you said and jumped down from the bar.

"Excuse me? Did you just say back muscles??" Daniel said laughing at you. "Yeah I did. And I find them rather attractive, so could you put your top back on???" You asked Daniel calmly. "Hmm I might not, and just keep this top off." Daniel said, as he flexed his muscles. "Just put your top on please."

Daniel obyed by what you said, and put his top back on and then you two made your way out of the gym and back to his house.

As the two of you walked into his house and dumped down your stuff, Daniel decided to ask you the question he was dying to ask the whole way home. "Why didn't you want anyone to see my back muscles???"

You turned around and smirked at him. "Because most girls find them attractive, and if a girl saw those muscles, she would be making moves on you in seconds."

"But why do girls find them so attractive??" Daniel asked you, and you just shrugged your shoulders. "But I still don't get why they're so attractive??" You eventually gave up and lead him to the garden.

"Start doing pull ups, but take your shirt off." Daniel didn't even question anything and just agreed. "Well don't look at me, start doing pull ups."

You took out your phone, and started recording Daniel working out. So, then he quit after a couple and you stopped recording.

Daniel walked over to you, and saw you put it on his story. "Done. Now we wait." "Wait for what??" "For the girls to DM you about your back muscles and start drooling over them.

"What -" Daniel was interrupted by his phone buzzing all the time. "Boom point proven!" You threw Daniels phone to him, and then you walked into the house. "Wait so does that mean you get turned on from my back?" Daniel asked flexing again. "Meh I guess you could say that." "So?" "Okay you horny boy."

Just as you were about to go up the stairs with Daniel his mum peaked her head from the magazine. "Please don't, especially while I'm at home." You and Daniel stood there awkwardly after what Daniels mum said and then Daniel finally talked.

"Sorry mum, we'll just get changed and go into the pool." As you two walked up the stairs you heard her shout. "DON'T DO IT IN THE POOL EITHER!!!" You turned to Daniel and both bursted out laughing. "Your mum knows you so well."

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