[What he comments on your insta] Preference

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Zach ~ imzachherron - I've been round your house at least 20 million times, and you've never told me that you had yellow windows!!!!

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Zach ~
imzachherron - I've been round your house at least 20 million times, and you've never told me that you had yellow windows!!!!

yourinsta - imzachherron - well if you realise in the picure the windows are actually dyed, I got some hair dye and decided to dye them and it worked.

imzachherron - yourinsta - there's no need to be sarcastic back is there.

Jack ~

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Jack ~


yourinsta - jackaverymusic - I can do what I want it's my car. That you just happen to drive 24/7. 🙈

jackaverymusic - yourinsta - exactly so it IS a hazard so GET YOUR FEET OF THR DASHBOARD!!

jackaverymusic - yourinsta - exactly so it IS a hazard so GET YOUR FEET OF THR DASHBOARD!!

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Daniel ~

seaveydaniel - I thought you were vegan???? So why do you have a cow style hat??? That's animal abuse!!!!!

yourinsta - seaveydaniel - I was vegan at one point but then I saw this boss ass hat with this outfit and then I was like fuck it.

seaveydaniel - yourinsta - finally I can stop being vegan!

yourinsta - seaveydaniel - oh shut up ya big baby.

Corbyn ~

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Corbyn ~

corbynbesson - does that mean I can split rainbows too because I kissed you???

yourinsta - corbynbesson - yes Corbyn, yes it does.

corbynbesson - yourinsta - if I don't text you back I'm spitting out rainbows.

Jonah ~

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Jonah ~


yourinsta - jonahmarais - sorry not sorry. It tasted sooooo gooood.

jonahmarais - yourinsta - that's the last time I let you stay at my house from now on.

yourinsta - jonahmarais - NOO!!! I'm sorry baby

(A/n when it says yourinsta - that means you're replying to a comment and the same for the boys in case that was any confussion)

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