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Killua and Y/N were standing there awkwardly, not knowing what to do. They just stared at each other with Y/N lowering her head to avoid contact every few seconds.

"Well, I guess that just leaves me and you."Killua said finally breaking the silence.

"Oh, yeah. Let's go then?" Y/N looked up at Killua.

They both walked to the center and stopped being Gon and B/F/N.

Ladies, gentlemen, and whatever else you identify as, tonight's game will be drinking contest! Here are the rules:

Rule 1. Either you or your partner participate, not both. Choose wisely.

Rule 2. Cheating is prohibited in every way shape and form. For example, contaminating someone else's drink, lying about how many you drank, etc.

Rule 3. Lastly, Have fun!

Hopefully your partner is someone you're familiar with since plenty of you probably won't be able to make it home alone. Now, the moment you've all been waiting for, the prize! We have with us today, $5000 in cash! All you have to do is drink until you can't even stand up straight, good luck. All of the participants may step up to the bar. If you're a bystander, you must be at least 4 feet away from any participants.

"Can we please do it? I'm begging, it's my birthday!Remember that promise we made?" B/F/N struggled to let out.

"I don't know, you know I'm not really into that stuff. Who will take us home?" Y/N replied.

"Y/N, I'll do any-"

"I'll be the one who drinks, it's fine." Killua said, interrupting B/F/N. "The rules said that only one of us had to drink, so it'll be me. Plus, Gon is sober enough to call us a cab."

"You really don't have to if you don't want to-"

"I insist." He said with a kind smile.

"Oh my gosh, thanks!" B/F/N said as she wobbled over to Gon.

Everyone at your seats and let's get this started!

Killua sat down next to B/F/N who was also the one drinking in the game. Y/N and Gon stood a couple of feet behind them, only watching.

Ready, go!

Killua started off strong with 4 shots down in 27 seconds. B/F/N was already on her 5th one.

"Alright...7th one, keep going" Killua mentally hyped himself up.

"7......8......13.....15....22....46." B/F/N counted in her head. In reality, B/F/N was only on her 7th one, but because of how drunk she was, she kind of lost count.

"I can't even remember how many I've had. This is bad." the silverette thought to himself.

At this point, Killua could tell he was done. He couldn't even hear anything, it was all muffled to him. Everything started to get fuzzy for him until he laid his head on the bar counter, slowly shutting his eyes.

"Hey! Hey, wake up!" Y/N almost yelled, shaking his body aggressively.

"Huh? What?" He jolted up, rubbing his eyes.

The winner is the lady in the sparkly dress! With a total of 13 shots! Coming in close is our second place winner, the guy with the silver hair with a total of 8 shots. We'll have the prize out shortly.

B/F/N was already passed out.

"Hey, you're hot." Killua said to Y/N with a smirk.

Killua backed Y/N up against a wall and pinned her with his arm next to her head. He used his other free hand to pull Y/N's chin up with a finger.

"That's enough, Killua." Gon came and dragged his friend away. "Sorry about that, I hope he didn't do anything."

"No, it's fine. I feel horrible for having him drink for me. I didn't have to participate." Y/N exclaimed.

"I could say the same. Tell your friend she can keep the prize since I really didn't do anything. We'll be going now." Gon said with a kind smile.

"Have a nice night!" Y/N smiled back.

Y/N went up to B/F/N and swung her arm around her own shoulder. She collected B/F/N's prize for her and walked out of the club.

"2:37am. We definitely have to go."

Y/N only had a drink, which she didn't even finish, so she was able to drive back to the hotel.

Before they got in the car and left the club, Y/N noticed that the cab that Gon and Killua were in, followed them to the hotel, but relaxed at the thought of remembering that Killua was also staying there.

Y/N parked her car and helped B/F/N out and as if on cue, Killua and Gon's taxi drove in and parked right in front of the hotel just as Y/N and B/F/N were about to enter.

The bright front lights of the car caught B/F/N's attention. She watched the two blurry figures open the car door and get out the car, she got a closer look and realized it was Gon.

Her tired and lousy expression quickly turned into a bright and happy one as Gon started walking closer. "Gon! Remember me?"

B/F/N snatched her arm off of Y/N's shoulder and ran up to Gon.

"Oh, hey!" He said with a nervous chuckle.

Gon also helped Killua out of the taxi and Killua's arm was lazily swinging on Gon's shoulder. Killua's eyes were just barely open when he recognized the H/C haired girl standing a few feet away from them.

Y/N's gaze shifted towards Killua who was already staring at her. Killua felt like Y/N was a magnet, he was drawn towards her. Killua attempted to stand up straight, but sort of struggled. He managed to wobble his way towards Y/N, he stopped when he was directly in front of her.

Killua didn't break eye contact for a second as he made is way to her. They stared at each other for what felt like an eternity until Killua finally broke the silence.

"Hey." He said in a husky and deep voice.

Since Y/N had just now realized how tall the silverette is compared to her. She felt like an ant just looking at his figure. "Hi." She responded without a stutter.

"You were the girl from the club." A smirk grew on his face.

"Oh, yeah. Thanks for participating in the game for me."

"You know, a simple thanks won't do much for me.." Killua whispered in her ear in a seductive voice.

"Huh?" Y/N said in a confused tone, feeling slightly embarrassed.

"You heard me, I want you to do something for me in return for drinking-" Killua was cut off by his best friend yanking his arm.

"Let's go, Killua! You need to get some rest. We'll see you later, Y/N!" Gon yelled as he walked down the hall of the hotel with Killua, his figure fading away after each step.

Y/N was left dumbfounded and flustered.

"Ugh, my head hurts! I want to go to sleep!" B/F/N groaned.

"Oh, right! Sorry, let's go." Y/N said, forgetting all about B/F/N after what had just happened.

After a long night, they were finally back in there hotel room. B/F/N collapsed as soon as she got inside, not even bothering to change her clothes.

The clock read 3:57.

The only thing that was on Y/N's mind was what happened down at the entrance of the hotel. Killua's voice on repeat inside of Y/N's head.

She was interrupted from her thoughts when she heard a buzz from her phone.

1 new message: from Unknown Number

You still owe me. 😉

I literally have no idea why this took so long omg, I kept procrastinating on it sorrrryyyuygyyyywuwudhdbwhwjjdh, but anyways there's no actual plot, just y/n and killua 😁😁😁

anyways bye 😘

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