Part 4

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My phone started buzzing so I grabbed it out of my pocket to see Hyunjin was calling me. I just thought that he wanted to say something quick, so i picked up.

She will never love me......*sniff*

Hey Hyunjin it's ok....i'm your friend you can tell me anything

Hyunjin POV

I looked at my phone. I had called her somehow.....SHE HEARD WHAT I SAID. I started to panic,

Come on you can tell me anything, I'm here for you.

Ok fine, there is this girl that i like but she doesn't like me back. I've known her for a day but it feels like i've known her forever.....

Well since you haven't known her for that long spend some time with her then ask her if she feels the same way.

Your right I will. I have practice, cya Y/n!

Bye weirdo

She hung up, it felt so good to hear her voice. Jeez I've really fallen hard.During practice I was more energetic and happy. Chan: "Hyung, what's with you today your so happy and smiley?" Changbin: "Felix didn't you say he gave a girl his number?"

Felix: " Yeah she was really pretty but hyung wouldn't stop staring. I think I might have fallen for her. Hyung can i get her number?" Hyunjin: " No, I saw her first!" Then Chan ran towards my bag, grabbed my phone and Felix and ran. The rest of us sat there, then it sunk in they both were going to get her number! I booked it after them, she is mine.. Not yet at least.

Chan POV

Chan: " Wow is that her?" Felix: " Why yes! Quick I hear him coming!" We ran to the bathroom and locked the door just in time to hear Hyunjin at the door. Hyujin: " Come on just give me my phone. Wait you dont know my password!" Chan: " Its Y/n isn't it?" Felix snickered. HYunjin: "" Felix: " Thats a yes!" We both got out our phones and put her number in. Chan: "Hey hyung care to tell us why you have her as your wallpaper?" Hyunjin: "...........she's just pretty."


Lana and I were on our way back from our friends when *Bing* *Bing* I had gotten two messages from unknown numbers, the first one said:

Unknown: Hey Y/n its Felix, hyunjin gave me you number (well chan and I took his phone to get your number)


Me: Hey Felix, do you know who Hyunjin like cause he called me crying earlier saying they will never love them back?

8:50 read

Felix: Oh he did when he came to practice his eyes were puffy but i thought he was being a drama queen again. I know who he likes though.


Me: You do, can you tell me cause he wont?

8:54 read

Felix: I mean how do you not know its super obvious.


Me: Come on we dont talk that much, just tell meeeeeee

8:55 read

1 Hour Later

Y/n: "Lana he still hasn't answered just left me on read." Lana: "Just ask again." I sighed and decided to.

Me: Come on just tell mee. Or i will.......

9:58 read

Felix: Ok fine but what if i dont?


Me: I'll block you, now cough it up boi

10:00 read

Felix: You


Me: What about me?

10:11 sent

"Ugh, he just said you" I sighed and went to the bathroom to get ready for bed. When i came out Lana was on my phone texting someone. Y/n: " Lana get off my phone. Who are you texting?" Lana: " Oh just Hyunjin....." She smirked. Thats when it hit me he had a crush on me but I didnt know. Lana: " I told him we were going to the fanmeet tomorrow." I blushed a bit. Lana: " oOo someone is catching feelings!"

Y/n: " Come lets go to bed. We have to get up for tomorrow."


A/n Thank you for reading my story. I do have school so i takes me a bit longer to make these. 

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