Chapter 6

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That evening, Sergeant Carla Lostin sat at her computer. She decided to look up DI Sugars. The results had her at a loss for words. DI Sugars used to be like DI Jones, just even better. He was achieved and successful, top of the league. I guess that explains the attitude, but still....What happened?

Suddenly, there was a knock at the door. Carla got up to answer her office door and a police officer stood with an albino young woman that looked to be about in her 20s.

"She requested to see you," the police officer clarified, taking his leave.

"Thank you, Freddy," Carla invited the young woman inside and grabbed her a seat, "What brings you here?"

"I-I heard you were the one handling the recent murder cases. I-I have someone who I think should be a suspect...." The young woman told Carla, looking down at the floor.

"What's your name?" Carla asked.

"Trinity Turner," Trinity answered, still refusing to meet Carla's eye.

"Alright, Trinity, tell me about this person you think we should look into," Carla said calmly, talking in a reassuring voice.

"H-his n-name is Simon Hilltop and h-he's Suzanne Hilltop's brother," Trinity seemed to gather her courage then and she looked up with fury and determination in her eyes, "Simon used to sexually assault Suzanne and Suzanne was too afraid to speak up. After I found out just over a month ago, Suzanne begged me not to tell the police. She was scared, and I-I should have done something, but I didn't....I feel like her death is partially m-my f-fault and doing this small thing won't make up for it,'s a step in the right direction."

After speaking to Trinity some more, the police were given orders to carry out, and Carla headed over to DI Sugars' office and knocked on the door.

"I'm busy," came a voice from inside.

So Carla opened the door and stepped inside anyway.

"Hey! I said I'm busy!" Sugars raged, "Have a little respect!"

Ignoring Sugars' outburst, Carla spoke calmly and nicely, "Sorry to disturb you sir, but I thought to inform you that we have a possible suspect and we're going to be talking to him tomorrow."

"What's his name?"

"Simon Hilltop, the brother of one of the victims. He used to abuse Suzanne."

"Yeah okay, you do most of the talking," Sugars picked up his phone and scrolled through it, "Oh, and after yesterday, the commissioner said I could call Carlos again, he simply said to 'think wisely.'"

"I see," Carla stepped forward and looked Sugars in the eye, "You better think wisely then. I suggest you take this more seriously, sir."

The next morning, as planned, Carla and Sugars waited outside a room for Simon Hilltop. Suddenly, Carla's phone rang.

Carla picked up the phone, "Hello, commissioner?"

"Sergeant, there has been another murder. I suggest you head over there immediately," the commissioner said, then proceeded to give Carla the location.

"Sir, there's been another murder. We'll deal with Simon once we're back," Carla said after she had hung up the phone.

"Another one?!" Sugars said loudly.

"Let's go, sir."

As soon as they saw the body, DI Sugars seemed confused. Carla didn't understand what he was confused about. The victim was a woman, dressed in a purple crop top with a symbol carved into her stomach, the same as with every other victim so far.

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