Chapter 6

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It was Friday and all both boys could think about was living together. Draco decided that he too would move in the muggle way, just in case Harry hadn't set up the Floo yet.

Once everything was set up, Draco finally spoke. "I like what you've done with the place. I see you have green and grey dinner plates, as well as cushions too. Thank you for including my house colours, although I don't see any of yours." He said while looking around the room. "Oh," Harry replied. "Well they're actually our ey- yes you're right I did, I hope you like it." Harry continued, trying to hide the fact that the green and grey were meant to represent their eye colours, not the Slytherin house colours. 

"Before we move in together for good, I owe you an apology." Harry started. Draco chuckled. "Let's hear it then," Draco said teasingly. "Malfoy, it's not funny, nothing about this is the slightest bit humorous." Harry took a deep breath and continued on. "I'm sorry for what I did to you in sixth year. I didn't know what the curse did. That's not an excuse though, there is no excuse. I shouldn't have used it, or any spell, curse, jinx or hex for that matter and I definitely should have apologized sooner. I'm sorry." Draco laughed again, although he wasn't sure why. Harry was right, there wasn't anything funny about the apology, but he couldn't stop laughing. "I-I acce- accept-t-" Harry cut Draco off with a frown. "Malfoy I'm trying to be nice, and you're making it so hard, you prat." Harry turned and began walking back to his bedroom. "Potter, wait," Draco said, softly, grabbing Harry's wrist to stop him from leaving. Harry turned around looking stunned, giving Draco his full attention. Draco looked Harry in the eyes and said, "I forgive you." He wanted to say more, but that's all his lips allowed. Harry smiled and looked down at Draco's hand on his wrist. His smile grew bigger, then he turned away and continued to his room.

Harry was sitting in bed reading the day's Daily Prophet. Today's article was called "The Saviour's Proposal". Harry snorted as he read about how private sources say, he was supposedly proposing to a secret lover tomorrow night. "Such rubbish," Harry muttered to himself. "I'd have to agree with you there," Draco said, standing in the door of Harry's room. "The Prophet never reports anything truthfully. It's remarkable they're still in business." Draco looked around the room. "Merlin, Potter this room is horrifically small." Harry looked around and shrugged. "I gave you the larger room because I figured you have more stuff. Also, I spent the first eleven years of my life in a broom cupboard, whereas you lived in the manor. I'm used to small living spaces. It's no big deal." He shrugged again and began reading once more. Draco sighed. "Honestly Potter, it seems like you're very unaware when someone is trying to have a conversation with you. Let me make it simple for you. Hello Potter, I am trying to have a conversation with you." A smirk began to grow on Harry's face. "Merlin, what an oblivious git." Draco thought to himself. "But a very attractive one, of course." 

When Draco was finished thinking about Harry, he realized that Harry was looking at him as though waiting for an answer. Draco panicked. "Er, what was that again, sorry?" Harry chuckled. "Now who needs a lecture on conversations, Malfoy?" He said with a smirk. Draco's face flushed red. He could feel his cheeks burning up so he quickly left the room, hoping Harry hadn't noticed him blushing. 

Half an hour passed before Draco remembered why he went to talk to Harry in the first place. He headed back to Harry's room but found it was empty. Draco sat down on Harry's bed, deciding he would wait. "Merlin, this room is freezing!" Draco thought. "How can Harry stand the cold? I suppose he did have to swim in freezing cold water for an hour, just to save the Weasel. Of course the Weasel had to be the one chosen, Harry's 'sorely missed' belonging. I mean, I wouldn't have wanted to be trapped underwater for an hour, but it's the sentiment that matters." 

Draco looked up to see Harry standing in front of him with the same 'waiting for an answer' expression as before. "Potter, you weren't here so I just sat down to wait and-" Draco began, feeling embarrassed. "I was using the loo. Do you need something?" Harry asked. Draco looked into his eyes and nodded. Harry looked at him curiously. It took all of Draco's strength not to reply with 'you'. 

But he couldn't do that of course. Harry was straight. Even if he wasn't, he would never like Draco, an ex-death eater, the guy who broke his nose, teased him all the time, made fun of his friends and several other people. It would never happen between them and Draco knew that. 

"I was wondering what your plans were for dinner." He replied calmly, pushing back his thoughts. "We could go somewhere, or I could cook something, or we could just get takeaway I suppose, but maybe one of the first two options." Harry thought for a second and then asked, "Why don't we go somewhere? It's our first day as boy- er, boy roommates. We should celebrate a new beginning, don't you think?" Draco smiled. "I quite like that idea. But why must you call us 'boy roommates'? I think roommates is the better term." Draco replied with a smirk. "Did Harry almost call us boyfriends? No that's ridiculous Draco, don't be stupid." 

"I know the perfect place." Draco smiled, grabbing Harry's hand and apparating them straight there.

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