Chapter 16

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"Pansy! Granger's here." Pansy rushed to the living room. "Thanks Blaise but that's your cue to leave." She turned to Hermione. "Hey Mione. I'm so glad you could make it." She wrapped Hermione in a hug. "Me too! This is going to be a super fun girls night." Blaise cleared his throat. "Where exactly am I supposed to go?" Pansy shook her head. "Go bother Dray and Harry. I don't think they'll mind." Blaise stepped in the fireplace and disappeared. "Now that he's gone, we can party!" Hermione giggled. 

"So who exactly is coming? I invited Daphne, but I don't quite remember who you invited." Pansy told Hermione whilst setting up for their guests. "Luna Lovegood, Ginny Weasley and Cho Chang," Hermione replied. "Wait. Loony Lovegood and Weaslette are coming? They despise me. Well, maybe not me specifically, but any friend of Dray's." Hermione chuckled. "You'll be fine Pans. Maybe just call them by their given names." 

Just then a girl popped out of the fireplace. "Pansy!" The girl ran over to Pansy and hugged her tightly. "I haven't seen you in so long! I read the article about Malfoy, so sweet. You're going to be a top journalist one day. I hear you live with Blaise? How's that going?" Pansy laughed. "Daphne, slow down. Yes, I haven't seen you in a while, it's been too long. Draco deserved that article and I was happy to write it, I'm glad you liked it. I really do hope to be a successful journalist, thank you. Yes, I do live with Blaise and it's going quite well." Pansy took a breath before continuing. "Daphne, you know Hermione Granger, but I don't think you've formally met." Daphne stuck out her hand. "I'm Daphne Greengrass, but you can call me Daphne. It's nice to finally meet the top girl of our year." Hermione shook Daphne's hand. "It's nice to meet you too, Daphne. You can call me Hermione." 

Two more girls popped through the fire. "Hey, sorry we're late, we just had Quidditch practice," Ginny explained. Cho nodded and waved at everyone. "It's nice to see you all. Thanks for inviting us." Hermione smiled. "Of course. Cho, Ginny? You know Pansy Parkinson and Daphne Greengrass?" The girls nodded. "Not formally. It's nice to meet you." Ginny smiled at the girls. "Yes, I'm very thankful to be here." Cho smiled and shook hands with Pansy and Daphne. "It's nice to meet you too. I'm very glad you could make it. Now we're just waiting on-" Pansy began.

Luna Lovegood jumped backwards out of the fireplace and spun around. "Sorry, I'm late. I couldn't find my charm and I didn't want any Nargles following me here. Hi Pansy, I'm Luna. Thank you for inviting me to your home. It's quite lovely. But did you know that you have a Crumple-Horned Snorkack in your Floo? It was quite alarming. You should get that checked out." Pansy smiled, awkwardly. "Right, I will tell Blaise about it. It's nice to meet you, Luna. This is Daphne, and you know Ginny, Cho and Hermione. So now that we're all here, we can start the party!" 

The girls all sat down in the living room. Pansy handed around some cauldron cakes and liquorice wands. "So I thought we could play Truth or Dare. But since you grew up with muggles, Mione, I thought I should explain how wizards and witches play. We all take a sip of Veritaserum before we begin. That way, it's impossible for you to lie. If you refuse to do a dare, we'll ask a very embarrassing truth question. If you complete the dare, you get an enchanted nail done. Meaning your nail will be 'painted' by using a charm, and whatever design you want can be spelled to move. But you only get one charmed at a time." Hermione took a second to take in the information, then smiled. "Sounds great." 

Pansy took a sip of Veritaserum and passed the bottle around. "Let's begin. Mione, Truth or Dare?" Hermione chose truth. "Have you ever had a crush on Harry?" Pansy asked. Hermione shook her head. "No, I've always liked Ron. I never considered dating Harry because although he didn't tell us until second year, I knew in first year that Harry liked Draco." Hermione clapped a hand over her mouth. Cho gasped. "Harry's gay?" Ginny nodded. "He's Bisexual. But I didn't know he liked Draco. I suspected." Luna frowned. "Let's change the subject. I'm sure Harry doesn't want you to out him." Hermione nodded. "I'm sorry, it's the Veritaserum." 

They continued playing the game for an hour. All of the girls had full manicures and they felt like really close friends after learning so much about each other. It was the last turn of the game. "Truth or Dare Pansy?" Hermione asked. Pansy picked truth. "Did you ever kiss Draco? Because I heard tons of rumours about it."

 "Well yes, but no. He wanted to make sure that he really did like Harry although it was very obvious. So I took Polyjuice potion to look like Harry and we kissed. I pulled away before he went too far. But afterwards, he was smiling for a week. Cho, you and Ginny have kissed Harry, correct?" Cho and Ginny nodded. "Was it really that amazing?" Ginny chuckled. "I don't know. Thinking back, knowing he dated me just because he thought that was expected of him is kinda embarrassing. But I did like kissing him at the time." Cho turned to Hermione. "You said he liked Draco since year one. What about when he liked me?" Hermione frowned. "Oh. Well, Harry said he needed to move on from Draco since it 'wasn't gonna happen'. Yeah right. But he decided he would try liking someone else, and that was you. Unfortunately, he never stopped liking Draco and he couldn't be in a relationship with you because of that." Cho frowned. "Well, I was crying during our kiss. So it wasn't that amazing. I guess that's just Draco's opinion." Pansy nodded. 

All the girls eventually fell asleep after non-stop talking. They had all decided that they would do this another time but also to go shopping the next day. Blaise returned at midnight to find five sleeping girls and Pansy, sitting up in the middle. "You alright, Pans?" Pansy shook her head. "We used Veritaserum and I told them Dray's biggest secret." Blaise hugged his girlfriend tight. "It's not your fault. Don't worry." Pansy nodded and dozed off to sleep, in Blaise's arms. Little did Pansy know, Draco had gone home with Blaise and heard the whole thing.

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