Chapter 18

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"Dray, could you get the door?" Draco walked to the front door and opened it to find a large bloke standing in front of him. "Are you Dudley?" Draco asked, nervously. "Yeah. Are you Harry's roommate?" Draco nodded. "That is correct. But before I let you in, Harry didn't just save the wizarding world, he saved your world too. Without him, innocent mugg- er people like yourself would have been killed. I know you didn't treat him well growing up and I'm glad that you've made up, but don't lay a finger on him or say anything to hurt him, because I won't hold back from hurting you." Dudley looked frightened. "Dray, who is it?" Harry called from the kitchen. "It's your cousin." Harry ran to the front door. "Draco Lucius Malfoy, what did you say to him?" Draco looked at his feet, embarrassed. "Sorry Ry. I was just looking out for you." Harry shook his head. "I'm ok Dray. You go wait by the fireplace for our other guests. I bet they'll come by Floo. Dudley, nice to see you." 

Harry stuck out his hand. Dudley shook it. "Look, I'm sorry Potter. I didn't know what I was saying back when we were younger. I didn't know how important you were either. Thank you for saving the world. From now on I'll try to be a better cousin." Harry nodded. "Thanks, Dudley. You can call me Harry by the way. To be honest, I did have lots of help with the war, but you're welcome. In all honesty, Draco saved my life twice so we really have him to thank for winning the war." Dudley lowered his voice. "Is he your boyfriend? He's the one your friend was talking about in that letter I read." Harry blushed. "I wish. No, we're just friends and don't tell him I said that." Dudley laughed. "No problem." 

The two made their way into the living room to join Draco. As they entered, Seamus and Dean stepped out of the fireplace. "Hey guys," Harry said excitedly. He went over and hugged his friends. "You two came together?" Dean chuckled. "Seamus and I are together. It's good to see you." Seamus nodded. "Yeah Harry, we were beginning to think you'd forgotten us." Harry shook his head. "Never and congratulations. Ron owes me 10 sickles." The boys all laughed. "Dean, Seamus, you know Draco, and this is my cousin Dudley. We're friends now. Dudley these two were my roommates at Hogwarts." Dudley gave a curt nod. "Nice to meet you." Then Draco spoke up. "I'd like to apologize to you guys. I'm sorry." Dean and Seamus nodded and smiled. "It's ok. If Harry forgives you, we do too. We read the article in the paper. Thanks for saving him." Dean said politely. "Are you two together?" Seamus asked. Both boys blushed and shook their heads.

The awkwardness was interrupted by Ron coming through the Floo. "Harry, what's he doing here?" Ron asked right off the bat. "Ron, calm down, he apologized." Ron nodded, still not convinced Dudley should be there. "Alright, well hi Draco. Dean, Seamus, nice to see you." They said their hellos. "Ron, you owe me ten sickles." Harry laughed. Ron turned to Dean and Seamus. "You're dating? Congrats!" Then turned to Harry. "Here mate." He said handing Harry 10 sickles. "Dudley, this is my best friend Ron. It was his letter you read. Also, he was the one who helped me escape in a flying car. I believe you met when he picked me up for the Quidditch World Cup." Dudley nodded. "It's good to see you again, Ron." Ron half-smiled. 

"The fun can commence, the Slytherins are here," Blaise shouted, stepping through the fireplace with Theodore Nott. "Theo! Good to see you mate. It's been a while. I know you've missed my gorgeous face." Theo laughed and hugged Draco. "Why does everyone keep saying that to me?" Blaise chuckled. "Blaise, you stole my line?" Draco laughed. "Maybe I did, maybe I didn't." He answered. "Harry, this is Theo, and Theo you obviously know Golden Boy over here." Harry's face fell. "Sorry Ry, you can call him Harry." Theo shook Harry's hand. "Thanks for having me and for saving the world." Harry nodded. "You're welcome to visit anytime." Draco decided to speed up the introductions. "This is Harry's muggle cousin, Dudley, those two obnoxious ones are Blaise and Theo, my Hogwarts roommates and friends, Seamus and Dean from Gryffindor and obviously Ron who's attached to Harry by the hip, no offence." Everyone said hello to each other.

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