Chapter 13

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Harry was just done putting Teddy down for a nap. He left the room and walked straight into ... "Draco?" Draco laughed. "Hi Harry. I finished brewing the Amortentia so I thought I'd visit my mother. She would like to see you by the way. Here I'll walk you to her chamber."

"So how were Weasel and Gra- er sorry I mean Ron and Hermione?" Draco asked as they walked towards Narcissa's room. "They're good. You must have done a good job winning them over because they seemed to really like you. See there was nothing to worry about. So ... what does your mum want anyway?" Harry asked, visibly very nervous. "I'm not sure actually. Maybe she noticed how nice I look today and wants your opinion." Harry rolled his eyes. "I'm sure she has. If she asks, I'll tell her that you look as stunning as always." Draco blushed at those words. "Er- here we are. I'll see you back at the flat. Don't worry, you'll be fine." Draco smiled warmly. "I hope so."

Draco disapparated and Harry knocked on Narcissa's door. "Come in." Harry entered the room. "Hello Mrs Malfoy, Draco said you wanted to see me." Narcissa smiled. "Yes, hello Harry. It's good to hear you're getting along with Draco." Harry nodded. "Of course. Draco is very kind and caring. He also wants me to let you know that I think he looks dashing." Narcissa grinned. "Ah yes, that sounds like my son. Anyways, Harry, I had a few things I'd like to talk to you about. First, I would like to thank you. I read the lovely article you and Pansy wrote about Dray. He really needed that." Harry nodded. "Well, it's all true. He saved my life twice. He deserves the world." Narcissa chuckled. "That's very kind Harry. Might I ask you a question?" Harry nervously nodded for her to continue. "Do you have feelings for him?" Harry gasped. "Did he tell you that?" Narcissa laughed again. "No, no, dear. Don't worry, he doesn't suspect a thing." Narcissa said with a wink. "You may leave now Harry. Have a good evening." Harry smiled, a little confused as to what was happening. "You too, Mrs Malfoy." Narcissa shook her head. "Call me Narcissa, dear."

~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Draco?" Harry called out. "I'm in the kitchen." Harry followed the voice into the kitchen. "Hey, I had a few things to talk to you about. First of all, our four friends from last night teamed up on us and planned a wizard/muggle game night. We would have it every other week on Friday nights and apparently, we're the hosts. Only if you're ok with it." Draco thought about it for a second. "More time to spend with Harry's friends? That could be good. They'll definitely warm up to me if we hang out that often." Draco spoke. "Deal." Harry grinned. "The other thing is ... Blaise got us tickets to a professional Quidditch match! I said yes, you have no choice, we are going. So are Mione, Ron, Pansy and Blaise!" Draco's face lit up."Quidditch? I love Quidditch. I used to love flying around on my broom to get away from Father. Then I got to be Slytherin's seeker! That was so fun. I stunk though. Well only against Gryffindor. Maybe if Harry hadn't been the opposing seeker I would've had a shot. He was just too distracting. I couldn't focus on the snitch when he was right there." Draco beamed. "I'm in. Although apparently, I don't have a say." He stuck his tongue out at Harry. "Here I made dinner." 

"Hey, Harry?" Draco turned over to face Harry. "Yes?" Draco sighed. "I was curious about your childhood. I would always make assumptions about you, but I never knew what it was really like." Harry grimaced. "Oh, er-well, I was beaten up by my cousin and he threatened to beat up anyone who talked to me, so I had no friends. I had to do all the chores and cooking. I slept in a broom cupboard until I was twelve. Sometimes I would do magic when I was upset or angry, unknowingly, and they would starve me and lock me in the cupboard. I wasn't really allowed to leave the house. When they found out I was a wizard, they gave me a new room but they still starved me, more even. " 

When Harry was finished, he was crying. Draco sat up to pull Harry into a hug, but Harry flinched. "Harry, let me hug you," Draco said, reaching in. "No, it's ok, I'm ok." Draco shook his head. "It's not a problem, you know. You're not a bother." Harry nodded slowly. "Are you sure? If you're sure." Draco frowned and pulled Harry into a tight embrace. "If I'm sure? Of course, I'm sure! I'm going to personally hex those Muggles into oblivion for making you feel guilty about getting a hug when you're sad." Harry smiled. "Thanks, Draco." They cuddled in close and slept like that all night.

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