Chapter 34

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"Your favourite people are here," Pansy called from the living room. "One moment!" Harry called back from the kitchen. "Come on Dray, let's go."

"They're going to notice," Draco whined. Harry chuckled. "Too bad for you then." He laughed. Draco glared at him. "Let's go, it sounds like Ron and Mione are here too."

Harry and Draco headed to the main room of their flat for the day's game night. "Hey guys!" Harry said cheerily. Harry sat down and then proceeded to help Draco sit. Draco winced. "Holy mother of Merlin!" He groaned. "You ok mate?" Blaise asked. Draco huffed. "I'm fine." Ron glanced at Draco's shirt. "You did not!" He laughed. Draco blanked. "How did you know?" Ron looked back at him puzzled. "Huh, your shirt. I like it." Draco looked down at his 'I'm 'up to something'' shirt, designed by Ron. "Oh yeah, thanks." Harry rolled his eyes. "Ron, I know you sent in the design. I would be mad but there are other things I have to worry about." Ron raised an eyebrow. "What things?" Harry sighed. "Well for starters, this one's being dramatic as Hell. Blaming it on me. It's very immature." Draco glared at Harry. "I didn't blame it on you. I said we should blame it on you to our friends." Harry laughed. "You're laughing now, but just you wait. When it's you, you'll be ten times more dramatic than me." Harry blushed. "Right, says the queen of drama."

"I'm not quite sure what I'm interrupting, but Dray's not the queen of drama. That would be me. He's more like the duchess of drama." Pansy stated firmly. "Why can't I be the king of drama?" Pansy laughed. "Yeah right." Draco frowned. "What's going on anyway?" Ron asked. "I have a hunch, but Harry would've told us so I'm probably wrong," Hermione said while carefully examining the two boys.

Harry nervously chuckled. He leaned over to Draco. "Can I speak with you in the bedroom for a minute please?" He whispered. Draco scoffed. "You think I'll be able to stand up? Preposterous." Harry rolled his eyes. "Let's go." He helped Draco up. "We'll be right back. Help yourselves to snacks."

Once in the bedroom, Harry gave Draco an unimpressed look. "Dray, I get that you're uncomfortable but really? Do you have to make it so obvious?" Draco sighed. "I'm sorry love. I'm very sore, yes, but I'm also annoyed they're here." Harry looked confused. "Why?" Draco shook his head. "You know why!" Harry chuckled. "No, not that. I mean why don't you want them here?" Draco blushed. "Oh. Because when they're here, we can't be dating. As much as I don't like her, I'd much rather be hanging out with Weaslette. That way I can be your boyfriend." Harry kissed him softly. "I'm sorry Dray. Just wait about two months. Then we can tell them." Draco nodded. "It's just that you already went and saw Teddy today and now our friends are stealing you. I want time with you too you know." Harry smiled. "Need the attention, huh?" He kissed him passionately. Draco was about to push Harry onto the bed when Dragon screeched from the other room. "Ugh. Let's just go." Harry smiled, apologetically. "Sorry Dragon. The other Dragon needs his parents." Draco rolled his eyes. "You're so corny." Harry offered his arm out as walking support. "You love it."

"Why in Merlin's name were you gone so long?" Hermione asked. Harry blushed and helped Draco sit. "Son of a banshee!" He hissed. Pansy giggled. "Dray, I have a question. Can we go to the kitchen?" Draco glared at her. "I'm not leaving this couch for the rest of the night. I will even sleep on this couch! So no! Just ask me here."

"Potter won't be happy about that," Blaise muttered under his breath. With just a tiny twitch of his hand, Harry managed to make Blaise's trousers disappear. "What the...?"

Draco looked at Harry. He knew that Harry could do wandless, non-verbal magic but he didn't know he was that good. "I think I might just be the luckiest man in the world. No. I am the luckiest man in the world." Harry heard Draco whispering. Harry pointed to his head, summoned Draco's wand and handed it to him. Draco non-verbally cast legilimans. Harry thought to himself. "Thanks Dray, but that would be me. Whoever has Draco Malfoy as a boyfriend is definitely the luckiest man in the world. Should I give Blaise his trousers back? I don't think anyone other than you saw my hand move so hopefully, they don't know it was me." Draco shook his head in response. Harry nodded. "Are you guys even listening?" Pansy asked. "It looks like they're having a secret conversation." Ron chimed in. "Hmm?" Harry asked. "Were you guys using legilimancy to talk?" Hermione asked. "Ugh, Mione's too smart." Draco laughed at Harry's thought. "What are you laughing about?" She demanded. "Should I tell her the truth or tell her that she's crazy? Nod for truth, shake head for crazy." Draco shook his head. "Mione, you're crazy," Harry said. She furrowed her brows. Harry and Draco burst out laughing.

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