part 6 // payback

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(there's a graphic part in this, you've been warned!)

Luke's POV
what just happened? I just kissed Michael. was it an accident or intentional? I don't know what to think at this point. all I know is that Michael is happy, and well, so am I. I get up to go to the bathroom and there stands Ashton. he apparently got a picture of me and Michael kissing. he was about to post it on Twitter, the caption was 'paybacks a bitch!' "Don't you fucking dare post that!" I yell. "what exactly are you going to do about it?" said Ashton. Michael turns around and yells "what in bloody hell is going on?". "Ashton got a picture of us kissing and was going to post it on Twitter" I said crying. "we aren't fucking dating anyway!" said Michael. Ashton posted it. I felt like dying and so did Michael. "you're a fucking bastard" I said. I run upstairs and go to the bathroom and look in the cabinet. I see toothpaste, all of our toothbrushes, and a razor. I take the razor and take out the blade trying not to cut my fingers. I take the blade and put up to my arm and take three slices at my arm. I run downstairs with a trail of blood following me. I scream at Ashton "Is this what you want?! Is this what you call payback!? We're just best friends!" Ashton looks shocked. he runs upstairs too and slams his door. I look at Michael, I fell to my knees because I was weak from loosing blood. "Luke, Please don't die! I need you! I need you babe! I love you!" after those words I passed out. moments later I wake up in Michael's bedroom. I look at my arm, it's cut. I cried. I cried loud enough for Michael to hear. "what's wrong?" he said walking into the room. "nothing" I said wiping tears from my eyes. "please promise me you won't do that again. I love you to much to let you go" said Michael with a tear running down his face. "are we friends or are we more than that?" I asked him "I feel like we're more than friends Luke" after Michael said that I cried. he gave me a huge hug. "I'm such a crybaby because I cry way to much than I should" I said wiping my face with Michael's pillow. "you're fine. Ashton's flew back to Australia and I'm not sure where Calum is. Luke, that picture that was posted on Twitter of us two kissing, it was reposted over 786,000 times. said Michael. "I guess everyone knows now" I said. "I guess that's okay" said Michael. "as long as it's okay with you it's okay with me" I said. I lay back down and Michael follows. he lays his head on my torso, and we stare at the ceiling. "I love you baby" said Michael. he's never called me baby before. "I love you too my baby penguin" I replied. we both fell asleep. it was about 12:30am and I need all the rest I could get. I wake up for a solid minute and delete all of my social media. Instagram, Twitter, and all that stuff. just so I can't receive any hate. Michael moved beside my and he spooned me. we were now both fast asleep.
this chapter included things that were supposed to be in the previous chapter. sorry! I make things up as I go. I have 3-6 more chapters coming out and then a second book after this one is over. it's pretty much going to be a trilogy. I'm going to try to get to the second book typed today! ❤️

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