Chapter 14

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It was Saturday and the long-awaited party was hours away. Mary and Zach were planning on going in Luka's car meanwhile Brian was going with others from their group. Luka decided that Zach would be their DD, which Mary Mae did not understand until he explained that there would be alcohol at this party.

It made Mary feel slightly iffy, knowing that she didn't have her drivers license and had to be driven everywhere, but she pushed forward, deciding that she would choose Zach and that was that.

They all hopped into Luka's car around nine p.m. meanwhile Mary Mae's mother had left an hour prior to head off to the night shift. If she wanted, she could've had unlimited parties at her house since it was just her and her mom, who was constantly at work.

"Bro, I literally chugged a gallon of water before driving out here, I don't want to be a lightweight at the party." Luka said as Zach flinched when he said 'literally.' Mary laughed, tensions were high and hearts were racing.

"Anna said this party was somewhere near the woodland roads, do you know where that is?" Zach asked, sitting in the passenger seat of Luka's car as Mary Mae sat silently in the back, dreading the night already and hoping Gilbert wasn't invited. But of course, that boy had quickly climbed the social ladder at Roland High School and she knew her suspicions would be unresolved. He would most likely be attending.

"Oh crap! My GPS isn't working, can you use yours?" Luka asked, backing out of Mary's driveway and instead parking on her street with his hazard lights on.

"Hmm, yeah," Zach and Luka typed the address into Zach's phone as the navigator's voice began speaking.

"I heard this place was secluded, Anne said her parents only use it as a vacation home when they want to get away. I'm assuming there's a lake or pond nearby." Luka said, "and I think Anne said it's a four story house. Can you even imagine what one of those looks like?"

"In 400 feet, turn right." The navigator said as Mary Mae and Zachary ignored Luka's voice. They were both nervous about what tonight meant, it wasn't just a party. It was a party with alcohol. And they were underage. Zach feared that he would somehow get caught being associated with the soon-to-be drunk high schoolers. He didn't want it to ruin his perfect record or mess with his chances of being captain of the basketball team.

"Tough crowd," Luka muttered, "why're you two so quiet?" Luka blurted as he passed through a green-light in a secluded street. The roads were dark and empty, the only lights came from the car itself.

"I don't know, I've never been to one of these." Mary Mae responded as Luka looked at her through the rear view mirror.

"Don't worry Mars, just stick with me." Luka said.

"You're drinking tonight," she smiled, "also, wouldn't you rather be alone with Rita?"

"You and I both know that's not going anywhere. Besides, I would rather have you safe than have my life-long crush make out with me." Luka said, but Mary Mae couldn't tell if he was being sarcastic or not.

Zach shifted in his seat, his fingers tangled with themselves and Mary Mae wondered why he looked so nervous. She contemplated whether it had to do with the secret that he hadn't dared to share with her, but thought against it.

"My hero," Mary Mae said dryly as Luka laughed.

"You guys don't mind if I make a pit stop on the way there, right?" Luka asked as both of his passengers turned their heads at the speed of light.

"Why?" Zach raised an eyebrow, his face barely illuminated by the low beam lights of Luka's silver car. Zach's face turned a bright red as Luka stopped at a stop light, everyone's faces more clearly visible than before.

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