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"Penny, I-I don't understand," Ruby said.

"Most girls are born, but I was made. I'm the world's first synthetic person capable of generating an aura. I'm not real." Penny responded in sadness.

Ruby held her hands. "Of course you are. You think just because you've got nuts and bolts instead of squishy guts makes you any less real than me?"

"I don't, um... You're taking this extraordinarily well."

"You're not like those Atlesian Knights," said (Y/N).

"You've got a heart and a soul. I can feel it." Ruby said.

"Oh, you guys! You're the best friends anyone could have!" Penny told them, pulling them in a tight hug.

"I-I can see why your father would want to protect such a delicate flower!" said Ruby.

Penny let them go. "Oh, he's very sweet. My father's the one who built me! I'm sure you would love him."

"Wow... He built you all by himself?" Ruby asked.

"Well, almost, he had some help from Mr. Ironwood."

"Is that why those soldiers were after you?"

"They like to protect me too!"

"They don't think you can protect yourself? You kicked ass back at the docks!" said (Y/N).

"They're not sure if I'm ready yet. One day, it will be my job to save the world. But I still have a lot left to learn. That's why my father let me come here to the Vytal Festival. I want to see what it's like in the rest of the world and test myself in the tournament."

"Penny, what are you talking about? Save the world from what? We're in a time of peace!" said Ruby.

"That's not what Mr. Ironwood said," Penny replied.

"Check down here!" an Atlas soldier shouted.

Penny grabbed (Y/N) and Ruby before carrying them over her shoulders. "You have to hide!"

"Penny, wait! What are you doing? You don't have to go with them! I can help you!" Ruby said.

Penny put them inside the nearby dumpster. "It's okay. They're not bad people. I just don't want you to get in trouble. Just promise me you two won't tell anyone about my secret. Okay?"

(Y/N) looked at her. "We promise."

Ruby and (Y/N) hear the soldiers speaking to Penny.

"Damn... I can't do shit about that." (Y/N) said.

Penny and the soldiers leave shortly after. Ruby heard the squeaking of a rat and found that a rat had gotten on her boot before falling back.

. . .

Ruby and (Y/N) got out of the dumpster when Ruby got a call from her scroll.

It was Blake. "Everyone! If you can hear me, we need—"

Blake was interrupted by Sun shouting, "Heeeeelp! They got a robot, and it's big! Like really big!"

"I am not missing this!" said Ruby before she started running.

"Goddangit," (Y/N) said, following her.

. . .

Ruby and (Y/N) stood ready. The robot Sun mentioned was an Atlesian Paladin.

"I thought these things were still in development!" (Y/N) shouted, pulling his sword out of his grimoire.

Ruby's teammates landed next to her. The infamous criminal Roman Torchwick was inside the Paladin, controlling it.

"Fre—" Ruby was interrupted by (Y/N).

"I'm stealing the show for a moment," he said.

(Y/N) shouted a battle cry as he ran towards Torchwick with his greatsword. He jumped and attempted to stab the cockpit, but the greatsword couldn't penetrate through the robot's thick exterior.

"Are you stupid, kid?" Roman asked.

"Definitely!" (Y/N) shouted.

(Y/N) was grabbed and thrown away by the Paladin. He landed in front of Team RWBY. He had scratches everywhere, and his head was bleeding.

Yang spoke. "Uh... (Y/N), I think it's our t—"

"I'm not done yet!" (Y/N) shouted, standing up.

Black sparks flew off his arm before his mind suddenly went blank. In the blink of an eye, (Y/N) was in front of the Paladin.

"How did he...?" Weiss spoke.

"How about this?!" Roman shouted, slamming the Paladin's fist down.

"Useless..." (Y/N)'s voice turned demonic.

His right arm turned black, and his right eye turned red. The robot's fist stopped when (Y/N) held it. (Y/N) pulled back, and the robot's arm tore off.

"What the hell?!" said Roman.

(Y/N) jumped and punched the cockpit with his now black arm, completely detaching it from the rest of its body. The cockpit crashed into the ground, and Roman had to get out. He dusted his clothes before looking at (Y/N).

"I've seen weird kids, but man, he's the weirdest," Roman said.

(Y/N) held his hand out, and his greatsword flew to him. He held the greatsword's handle tight before zooming towards Roman. When he was about to slash, his sword got blocked by an umbrella.

A girl with pink and brown hair was behind the umbrella. She moved her umbrella away before kicking (Y/N) straight in the face, knocking him out.

"Well, ladies, Ice Queen..." Roman spoke.

"Hey!" Weiss responded to her nickname.

"And whatever this boy is... Always a pleasure! Neo, if you would." Roman continued.

The girl known as Neo bowed. Yang charged in and punched them, only to reveal it was a mirage. They had escaped on a Bullhead that passed by.

"So, I guess he got a new henchman," said Yang.

"I guess she made our plans... fall apart!" Weiss joked.

Yang looked at Weiss. "No, just no."

"Wha— But, you do it!" Weiss shouted.

"There's a time and place for jokes."

"Was this not it?"

"No, it just wasn't good."

"At least I'm trying."

They were about to walk away when they remembered (Y/N). They all looked at his unconscious body.

"... Anyone wanna carry him?" Yang asked.

Ruby looked around, then asked, "Wait, where's Sun and Neptune?"

RWBY x Male! Reader: In Another WorldWhere stories live. Discover now