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"You have to put weight into your knees, so you won't lose balance when you strike after the first," said Pyrrha. "Make sure your feet are facing the same direction your sword is pointing. And keep your right foot about half a step from your left."

"Like this?" (Y/N) asked.

He did as told and slashed down, before turning to another direction and striking.

"I... I didn't fall this time! Yeah!" he shouted.

"You learn fast. That's great!" said Pyrrha.

Pyrrha heard some voices and turned to that direction. She saw Jaune and Team CRDL with Jaune getting patted on the back by Cardin.

"Are you worried about him?" (Y/N) asked as he looked in the same direction.

Pyrrha frowned. "I'm not. We'll do more after tomorrow."

(Y/N) watched as Pyrrha walk away.

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It was already nighttime, and everyone from Team JNPR was still awake.

"How come Jaune comes home so late?" Nora asked as she kept jumping on her bed.

"He's become scarce ever since he's been fraternizing with Cardin," Ren answered.

Nora looked down. "That's weird. Doesn't he know we have a field trip tomorrow? We need our rest!" she then let herself land on her bed.

"I'm sure our leader knows what he's doing," Pyrrha said a bit aggressively.

"Hmm... I guess so," said Nora.

"Are you... okay, Pyrrha? You sounded a bit angry." (Y/N) asked. "No shit, she's angry, dumbass."

"I'm fine, (Y/N)," she answered.

"I'll... just go to bed now."

(Y/N) laid down on his bed and closed his eyes, somewhat looking forward to tomorrow.

. . .

"Yes, students, the Forest of Forever Fall is indeed beautiful. But, we are not here to sight-see. Professor Peach has asked all of you to collect samples from the trees deep inside this forest." said Professor Glynda. "And I'm here to make sure that none of you die while doing so."

"Each of you is to gather one jar's worth of red sap. However, this forest is full of the creatures of Grimm, so be sure to stay by your teammates. We will rendezvous back here at four o'clock. Have fun!"

"Come on, buddy. Let's go," said Cardin.

Jaune looked at Pyrrha with a sad face before following Cardin. Pyrrha sighed before following her other teammates.

"Let's get started!" Ruby shouted.

(Y/N) went over to a tree and had no idea how to get the sap. Ren, along with Nora, walked over and helped him out. The others collected theirs, quickly finishing. Except for Nora and Ren, Nora kept drinking all of the sap Ren put in their jars.

Nearby, Jaune and Team CRDL hid behind a log. Spying on one classmate, (Y/N).

"Cardin, what's going on?" Jaune asked him.

"Payback," Cardin answered.

Jaune looked at where Cardin was looking and saw (Y/N), inspecting his jar of sap. "(Y/N)? What are you—"

"That's him. A smartass and, he thinks he's tough," said Cardin. "Alright, boys. Last night, our pal Jaune here managed to round up an entire box of rapier wasps. And now, we're gonna put 'em to work."

Jaune nervously laughed as Russel Thrush patted him on the back.

"Now, according to one of the essays he wrote for me last week, these nasty things love sweets. I'm thinking it's time I got revenge for that time in the cafeteria." Cardin pulled Jaune up before giving him a jar of sap. "And you're going to do it."

"Do what?" Jaune asked.

"Hit him with the sap. Either that or I'll have a chat with Goodwitch, and you'll be on the first airship out of Beacon."

Jaune looked at Team CRDL, who was waiting. He turned to (Y/N)'s direction before preparing to throw, but he hesitated.

"No," he said.

"What did you say?"

"I said... no!" Jaune turned and threw it at Cardin instead, before looking frightened.

Cardin laughed. "You've done it now."

. . .

"Jaune should be getting beaten up right now." (Y/N) thought.

(Y/N)'s ears twitched when he picked up the sound of an Ursa Major's roar. After a few moments, the members of Team CRDL ran past him, shouting something about an Ursa.

"What? Where is it?!" Yang asked one of them.

"Over there! It got Cardin!" he answered.

"Alright. I'm going!" (Y/N) shouted before running towards Jaune's direction.

(Y/N) saw the Ursa and jumped in with his sword, blocking an attack that would've hit Cardin. While Ruby, Pyrrha, and Weiss caught up.

"Oh, I hate saving assholes like you!" (Y/N) said. "It's all yours, Jaune!"

(Y/N) pulled his sword away as the Ursa swiped with its other claw, only to be blocked by Jaune's shield. (Y/N) grabbed Cardin by the collar and dragged him out of there as Jaune started fighting the Ursa.

"Woo! Go, Jaune!" (Y/N) shouted, still dragging Cardin away.

Weiss was about to intervene, but Pyrrha stopped her.

"Wait!" said Pyrrha.

They watched as Jaune valiantly fought the Ursa. But, Jaune's aura had dropped to red. After looking at his scroll, he shouted a battle cry before charging in one last time. The Ursa swiped its claw, only for it to be unnaturally blocked, and the Grimm beheaded.

(Y/N) looked at Pyrrha and saw her hand was raised.

"Uh, what," Ruby said.

"How did you..." said Weiss.

"Well, Ruby has her speed, you have your glyphs... My semblance is Polarity."

"Oh... You can control poles." Ruby mumbled.

"No, you dunce! It means she has control over magnetism!" Weiss corrected her.

"Magnets are cool too..."

Pyrrha started walking away.

"Wait, where are you going?" Weiss asked.

"Yeah! We gotta tell them what happened!" said Ruby.

"We could... or, perhaps, we could just keep it our little secret," Pyrrha replied.

(Y/N) then pulled Cardin up and pushed him towards Jaune, who looked kind of beat up.

"Say something cool, or something," (Y/N) told him.

Jaune nodded. "Don't ever mess with my team, my... friends, ever again. Got it?"

Cardin looked at Jaune with unease.

(Y/N) patted him on the shoulder. "You heard him."

Jaune walked away, with (Y/N) following him.

"That was sick. By the way, don't forget to apologize to Pyrrha." (Y/N) told him.

"Yeah... I know." Jaune replied.

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