part 1

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Hye guys..hope you guy enjoy it

Here ragini got kidnapped... On other side maheswaris tensed about ragini... Including laksh guys... There is a parcel arrived to mm house... Under name untold truths...
Swara received the parcel... She confused and told to every wan at mm... Gadodias also there..

Ap-swara what is this??

Sw-dono badima... I just received from postman... Is wrire untold truths

San-open it up

Inside there got some cd...

All start to watching... And they got their life time shocking... Ragini hold one guy hands... They talking, smiled and kiss a check...

Laksh-what the hell of this?? Swara you give this?

Sw-i dono laksh... That post man also cover his face

San-we have find out about this...

Police came to mm... Swara tell about what happen a hour ago..

Laksh-we can't keep waiting... We have to search ragini...

All agreed and sankar and laksh going out to search ragini...

On other side...

A dark place....

Ragini sit on chair with her hand tied.

Ragini-where I'm I?? Pls bhagawan help me to out from here...

There is a man came..

Man -you see ragini.. I told you to follow my order... But what you did?? 

Ragini-who are you?? Why you always tortured me... I have done everything you said still wat you wan..

Ps:its dark so ragini can't see that man face

Man-ok I will leave you.. But one condition


Man- you must consummate ur marriage with laksh...

Ragini shocked and scared -I can't do that. Infact I try wat you know naa what happened that day!! (Guys that wan ragini truth come out) 

Man- I don't care... You must do it...
He start to leave and ragini shout -theek hai.. I will do.. Pls don't leave me.. I'm scared pld.. Ragini cry aloud...

Man-that my girl... He 😏😏😏

Back to sanskar and laksh

Laksh think about ragini and that cds...
San-where you lost??

Laksh-noo I'm just.... Bhai what you think about that cds..

San-hmm maybe the story still ontold..

Laksh -I'm confused...if ragini loves someone bhai.?

San-why you so worried about it? You must be happy na..

Laksh-YOU... Not like that we need to know...

San-this truth know by ragini only... We have to ask her....

Their reach to jungle... Where near by mandir...

San-hope ragini is here...

Laksh and sanskar start moving in..

Here that man untied ragini..

Man-go and do what I said..

Ragini run as much she can.. Laksh and sankar keep call ragini name...

Ragini can't run due weakness.. Then she heard about someone call her name.. She can recognise its sanskar and laksh...

Ra-shout sanskar

They found ragini who is fainted and bring her home...


Doc- she fainted due weak.. In some other time will be fine.. Give her food to eat..
All thanks to doc..

After some time.. Ragini wake up.. And cries hug swara..

Ragini-im so scared swara...

Sw-calm down.. Tell me who kidnapped you?

Ra-dono know

Sw-its ok.. No worries.. You came home safety that good. Sanskar and laksh bring you here.

Ra-she look up ...see sanskar and laksh and remember what that man said..she getting sweat on her forehead.... And lost in her world.

Ap-ok all fine now..  Let her have something to eat and she need rest...

Sujatha-yeah jiji you telling good thing.  

All leave to their room...

But our hero laksh bring food for his wife... Which make ragini shocked.. Cause he never do like this...

Laksh-you need this... Have naa

Rag-app never to this to me... Ab wat happen??

Lak-just... He think wanna ask about the cds... He feel curious and insecurity...but decided to ask tomorrow... Just look at ragini who eat like baby... And he is his mind (how cute and beautiful she is!! But who is that guy?? is she hide something)

After eat their going to sleep..ragini think how she will do what that man said?

Ragini-my heart and soul still you... I can't give my body for other person... You are my everthing... She cried and think all this.. 

Ok guys that all... More Twist are coming...
But guys help me out who you guys wanna see as ragini love interest

Parth smthaan or siddarth gupta ?? Keep voting guys.

Other guy also can recommend..

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