part 8

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So we go...

Fb continues

At canteen

Ra- where is she... Til now not yet come?? 

Ragini come slowly - sir I... Hmmm I...playing with her fingers. 

Rah- I kya... I love you...

Rag- NAHIII sir... I don't have any interested sing with you..

Ra- I know... That why I choose you..

Ragini look him shock in mind - wat... Oh god pls help me...

Ragul start their practice.. At first ragini not like... Slowly she started to like rahul... And rahul also totally fell for her...

At anniversary they sing pal pal dil ke pass song which make everyone mesmerised with thier voice... After performance rahul hold mic - I'm here to talk about is beautiful feeling.. Which I got today.. Deeply in my heart... This girl make me realized wat is love??  Ragini think he like another girl... So she turn around with heavy heart to go down.. And she felt someone hold her hand.... She turned.her heart beat run faster... Cause rahul hold her hand

Rah- where are you going?I talk about you only. 

Rag - Matlab??

Rah- stupid I love you... I really doo ragini..

Ragini speechless dono wat to say!! Hug rahul... both confess their love...

And their start to love happily...

One day rahul bring ragini go his house...he introduced his step father srikanth... He also like ragini.. And goes very well...

It been 1 year ragini also have to leave mumbai as she finished her learning..

At airport..

Ragini who cry at rahul chest.

Rag- I don't wana go...

Rah- you have too..

Rag- you wont forget me nahh..

Rah- of course I forget you..

Rag- kya??

Rah- arey I mean I for you as gf. But remain you as my wife.. Dont worry I always with you.. I wont leave you...

It time to flight..

Ragini hug rahul for one last time..

Rah- see you soon as my wife.

Ragini reach Kolkata... Same all goes well..

And then problem start shekar and sumi relationship, swara, laksh alliance!!!

Ragini try hard to stop this marriage but can't.. She know laksh is modern person.. he won't like her.  So she maintain this. As laksh his own will say no to this marriage...

All same what happened In engagement but one changed ragini didt cry.. She happy inside as it called stop but all it happened..

She call rahul and say about this..

Rah- wat?? I'm coming to take you.. 

Rag- pls come. We talk to dadi together..

Next day

She get to know laksh love swara. She thanked god. 

Rahul who get ready wana come Kolkata. Ragini called him and say about this..

Rahul give some ideas..

As ragini accident, she thought laksh will admit that he love swara but he do another thing make this plan flop..

And then ragini get to know about sanskar acting which make her unexpected Twist.
She in confused..

Next morning she went to market there some people kidnap ragini.

Dark place..

Ragini sit in chair with her hand man in dark.. Can't see his face.  He threatened ragini to accept sanskar offer. And do what I said. Or else you will see rahul death. 

Ragini plead him... No use.. So she follow that man...

All happen as planned..
Raglak marriage and all...

Fb ends...

All looks speechless.expect laksh who got his heart break into piece..

Ragini who break down and rahul hold her..

Swara- ragini ...many thing happen..and you didt say anything about it to me. We are swaragini. We can slove problem together.

Rag- i cant tell swara..if i tell that man will kill my rahul..

Laksh who heard ragini said MY RAHUL he felt wanna take her his arm and you are mine.. My wife..but he can't..

Ap- you have sacrifice a lot to us... You have golden heart... Now you can decide ur life. Nobody force you here..

Rag- but my marriage done with laksh. ..

Dp- it a force marriage beta. We all have to understand that.

Laksh in mind- but now nobody force me to love her...myself fell for her nahh.

Ragini look laksh with teary eyes and then see rahul..

Dp- dont worry about ur family.. I will talk to them..

Rag- I don't wat I have to decided.. But on marriage time I think laksh as rahul.. I fell rahul was there at time.

ca- he was there not we all was there that time..

Ragini see all shocked.... -KYA.  .

Rahul explained all to ragini..
I got an invitation for marriage under name swara weds I thought to go there and surprised ragini.and want to talk about us to her dadima...

When we reached. My life changed there I see raglak get married and heard people talk that swara run from this marriage..
I fell like someone stab my heart.. I hide from pillar when ragini search for me.. I don't wanna create scene.. So I went out silent.. I do no ragini do this as someone threat her.. I thought she saving her family reputation.

Ragini plead him sorry...other than this I do no what to say.

All frezed there...

And end of the part. So guys Im getting low comment.. Do comment of you like it.thank you loves.

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