part 11

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So as I said laksh will be evil here... So bear it..

Raglak room

Ragini get ready to go down... Then laksh come without shirt.. Towel on his hip...
Ragini look up

Rag - lakshhh

Lak- kiya hua?? 

Rag- appp like this... Look down...

Lak- ohh soory ragini I forget to take shirt that why. 

Rag- you can ask it on washroom..

Laksh in mind - what happened ragini.. Are you lost ur self.. This is I want...

Rag- wat you think??

Lak- wat you feel as you look me like this??

Rag- huhhh hmm nothing. 

Just then rahul come thier room look this situation.. Raglak shocked.. Laksh is pretend

Rahul fumes... Ragini try to manage to talk..

Rahul go down without talk or listen anything...

Ragini- rahulll run behind him..

Lak- yeh ragini why you run after him.. Ur hero here...anyway run how much you wanna run... At last you will be mine..

At hall

Everyone see raghul running..

Suja- wat happen?  Why Both of running? Morning didt to any exercise?

Cab- I think like that aunty..

All laugh..

Rahul think dibt want create any scene so he keep quite. 

Ap- acha theek.. Come all eat breakfast..

Everyone moves there... Ragini wanna sit besides him.. But can't..

Then laksh come.. He sit beside ragini.. He smiled. Ragini just give him little smile..

San- laksh we need to see lawyer for divorced process.

Lak- who wanna divorced?? He say casually

All shocked...

Rag- laksh... In little voice

Laksh look ragini - ohh I forget... Ok we will meet lawyer.

Rahul get suspect with laksh...

Meanwhile all think he is playing..

Laksh in mind - all think I'm playing which is I'm not.. It my game.. Everything is fair love and war..

All moves..

Rahul at outside ragini call him..

Rag- rahul. Sorry nah

Rah- hmmmm

Rag- wat happened?

Rah- nothing

Rag-rahul.. He is juz joking.. Don't worry..

Rah- wat??  Ohh is this joke?? Someone talk to you without shirt in joke

Rag- she explain real story.. And don't think more.. Are you jealous?

Rah-why I should jealous?

Ragini smiled - acha.. Okk then..

Rah- ok then Matlab??

Rag- okkkk. Rahul we going to get married in few days.. Why you got tensed?

Rah- I do no... I'm feel like something bad going to happen.

Rag- nothing like that.  Be happy. Im always be with you. Its a death also I will come to you..

Rahul got tears- I love you.

Rag- love you too..

Ragini cut the call.

In office

Laksh think about raghul...

He get call from private num.. He answer it

Man- wat happen young man??

Lak- nothing

Man- you file divorced??

Lak- noo...

Man- then go do it faster.

Lak- you..  You want get me ragini or seperate me from her.

Man- both....

Lak- pagal tu???

Man- yupp listen go do what said.. Then you will get ragini or not?? 

Lak- hmm

Man- see you soon laksh.  

Lak- kiya.

Man get the phone. 

In dark room

Man- it time to meet everyone and get the game end... Hahahaha...

Ok bye. 

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