A new chapter

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I'm so nervous I feel like I'm drowning in my own sweat. How could I feel like this about a school?

I'm Madelyne Luna Shepbird. I have recently moved to Minnesota and I'm starting a new life. Or that what my mom says. I have the two most annoying siblings, Andrea and Lucas. I mean who likes there siblings. My mom always say " They are your siblings take care of them" I'm sorry mom but I'm 15 and haven't got any friends. I can't do anything. In this family we have rules, don't be out to late, no boyfriend, don't fight with your siblings and more and everything is what I can't do.

We moved to a two story house and I got a bigger room than my big sister. Andrea is 17 and Lucas is 15. Yes, Lucas is my twin brother but I don't look like him. Lucas has already got a lot of friends in Minnesota. While Lucas and Andrea where out with there friends I was at home and doing nothing. I was just laying in bed and thinking about my new school I'm going to tomorrow.

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Andrea and Lucas came home at dinner time. After dinner me and Lucas sat on my bed and talked. I'm really close with my brother. I hate Andrea, she's so bitchy and spoiled. All Andrea does is to fight at school and her grades are not good at all. She only has friends because they don't want to get beat up by her. But at home she's nice in front of mom and dad. I always take her clothes because she has a lot of money. Her boyfriend is a drug dealer and that's why she's like she is. Lucas and I are good and innocent kids. But that was about to change.

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When I woke up I felt like I was going to throw up. What if I don't get any friends? What if I'm going to become weird and nerdy? But I stood up and looked in the mirror and repeated " You can do this " in my mind. I walked in my wardrobe it felt like I didn't have any clothes. I looked around for a long until I remembered that I can take my sisters clothes. I sneaked out of my room and in my sisters room. I took a pare of wide ripped jeans and a hoodie from brandy. I walked downstairs where I saw my brother eating breakfast. I didn't feel like eating so I took an apple. My mom drove me and Lucas to school and Lucas ran to his friends. And there I was all alone outside of the school. I tried to melt in and just walk in the school without anyone to notice me. But when I walked in I didn't expect everyone to stare at me.

I came in the classroom and my eyes just stopped when I saw this guy. He was tall, handsome, brunette and hot af. We locked eyes for 2 seconds and i just drowned in his chocolate brown eyes. I was so focused that I didn't hear when the teacher talked to me. After class this girl comes up to me and introduced her to me.
- Hi I'm Lucile and you are?
- I'm Madelyne you want anything? I said that and walked away because she didn't answer back.
She was weird. I walked to my brother and his friends and then I saw the guy in my class.
- Madelyne, this is Matthew and Anthony.
- Hi, I was really nervous so I didn't know what to say.
- How did you guys meet? I continued.
- Ohh we met at football practice, Tony said that and looked at my brother.
Thats why he has a nice body.
- Fun.. I gotta go to chemistry now so, gotta go. I was about to go when Matthew said he was going there to.

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