She's jealous

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We walked to class. He was really funny and goofy. We laughed the hole way. Before we went in the classroom he said some things to me.
- You know that girl, and pointed at Lucile.
- Yeah i don't know what she wants but she always stares at me when I'm with you.
- Yeah that's the thing, she likes me but I don't like her because she's toxic and evil.
- But you can trust me..
- Well we don't know yet... and I laughed.
- Friends?? He asked.
I smiled at him and looked him in the eyes and said " I guess..". We had eye contact until someone came to interrupt us. It was Lucile. Both of us looked at her and said " I'm late " and ran in the classroom.

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The teacher looked at us and said " because your both late you will be working together" he looked at me and smiled. We sat down and started to work. We where going to mix together a elephant toothpaste. He gave me a white robe that I put on ant it was to big. He laughed at me and pointed his finger at me.
- Matthew stop with the nonsense!! Mrs. Green screamed at him.
I looked at him and I was trying to hold in the laugh in my mouth. He started to mix it all together and we where great partners. He looked at me and said " now!" I pored in the last ingredient. It exploded and we did it right. We where the first partners done with the elephant toothpaste. We got to go home earlier than the others so we went to my house to meet up Lucas.

At home Lucas where waiting for us. Lucas told me to show our hose to Matthew. I showed him everything and last was my room. We walked in and it was really warm in there. Matthew walked in and opened the window. He looked at me and took of his hoodie. He had a shirt under the hoodie the went up a bit so I saw his abs. I looked at him and laughed he looked down and realized it to. He blushed a little at that point. Lucas called us down and said that they where going to go. I decided to stay and watch movie's alone.

When I walked up to my room again it was freezing. He opened the window to much. I walked up to the window and closed it and then I saw that he forgot his hoodie here. They where already gone so I couldn't give it back. So I looked in the mirror and put it on. It was really big but soft. I wore it for the rest of the night. Even when Lucas came home.

We sat in my room and we talked about school. He asked me some questions.
- Do you like anyone??
- Well.. there's this one gu- I couldn't say more because he interrupted me and said.
- Matthew isn't it??
- Noo... How did you know!!?? I was really nervous that he would say that I can't have a boyfriend. But he said something else...
- I think he likes you to.. but there's a gir- , and now I interrupted him.
- Lucile, I know he told me but he don't like her, I was curious why he was talking about this.
- Yeah and that's the problem, she will come for you and you have to be nice to her and not tell her any secrets, he stared into my eyes when he said that.


I woke up with a headache and I dreamt about him. He was about to tell me something but then I woke up. I put on sweatpants and a hoodie then I walked to school with my brothers friends. My brother, Liam, Anthony, Jonny and Matthew was there. Matthew where standing next to me the hole way. When we arrived we separated but me and Matthew have the same classes so we went to class together all the time. The first subject was math, I hate math as much as I hate Andrea. Matthew don't like math ether so we skipped. I have never skipped a class before. We went to the mall in Minnesota and ate at a restaurant. He offered to pay for all the food so I let him because I actually forgot my card in school. He talked about Lucile and his conversation they had yesterday. It was about me, that she didn't want him seen with me. He just ignored her for the hole day. When we came to school nobody noticed that we where gone, we think.

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