The kiss

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The next day I woke up of the sound from the tv. Lucas was playing Xbox. Lucas saw that I woke up and walked away to take a shower. As I was rubbing my eyes I saw her walk down the stairs. She just walked down and started making breakfast. She didn't even look at me. I stood up and slowly began to walk my way to the kitchen. I saw that she wore a hoodie but it looked familiar. It was my hoodie. She looked so good, with her hair up in a messy bun and glasses. And my hoodie. Where did she get it from? Now I was standing behind her.
- Nice hoodie.. I whispered in her ear.
She turned around and I walked up to her.
- I guess..
She looked me in the eyes and I slowly leaned in for a kiss, but Lucas came down and ruined it.

𝙼𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚕𝚢𝚗𝚎𝚜 𝚙𝚘𝚟

Ughh... I've never hated my brother this much. I laughed a little bit at Matthew. He looked at me confused and started to laugh to.

I ate my breakfast and started to but on a cute outfit. Today we all were going to a fancy restaurant. Me, Lucas, Matthew and all the others. This Sunday would be a really good day. I put on a sweatshirt and a pair of sweatpants. Everybody started coming to our place to hangout before the dinner plans. I was dressed but I didn't know what to wear for the dinner. Matthew came in my room to show me his shirt for tonight. He showed me a dark red shirt. I told him I didn't have anything to wear.
- let me choose!! He looked at me with a straight face.

After a while we decided to play truth or dare. They kept on going until someone said that we should play 7 minutes in heaven. Everybody knows how to play that game. Spin the bottle, they go into a wardrobe and do whatever they can do in 7 minutes. So Lizzy got to spin first. We all stared at the bottle to see who she would get. And off course she got lucky and got Joshua. The one she had a crush on. Matthew set the timer and we couldn't hear them but when Lizzy walked out I could see. The kissed. I got really excited for her but still nervous. It was Matthews turn to spin. Like last time everyone stared at the bottle. It stopped on his sister but obviously they couldn't do anything. So he touched the bottle so it would spin. I was nervous and so was everyone else. I couldn't look at it, it felt to intense.
It stopped on me. Everybody looked at me and then over on Matthew. Ok, you can do this... don't freak out, I tried to calm down as I was repeating myself in my head.

There we stood. Alone. In love. But we didn't know that yet. I looked down at my legs and saw that I we're shaking. He took his hand on my chin and pulled my head up slowly. He looked me in the eyes and whispered " is this what you want..". Ohh god I couldn't help it. I came closer to his face and our lips were against each other's. I kissed him fast and then looked him in the eye and whispered back " no this is what you want..". Before I could say more we were making out. We walked out of the wardrobe and everyone started to go home. None of them could stay much longer because of a storm coming in. Lucas, Lizzy and the others except me and Matthew could fit in the car so we stayed at my place. Lucas were planning on sleeping at Joshuas place and I didn't want to be alone. My parent were at work for the rest of the weekend so we were all alone. But I still had to walk our dogs. So we did that first.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2020 ⏰

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