He has a sister..

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Today I woke up earlier than usual. I had a nightmare about a girl asking Matthew out. It was terrible. I felt like I was dissolving into a black hole. Was I in love with him? No I couldn't, I had recently just met him.

Anyway I had to put on some clothes. I decided to wear a tennis skirt and a big sweatshirt. I didn't feel as pretty as usual so I did my makeup, natural makeup. Otherwise my mom would go ballistic on me. I but on a pair of light blue air jordans. And walked to school. My brother ran behind me with his breakfast in his hands. He woke up a bit later than me so he had to rush to me. We met up with his friends and Matthew was with a girl. He really liked her. Is that his girlfriend? I looked at him and at the girl. The girl came up to me and introduced herself.
- Hi, I'm Matthews sister... Taylor, she said and shook my hand. I could relax now that she wasn't his girlfriend. I introduced myself but she said she already heard a lot about me. I looked at Matthew and he blushed. We all where walking to school and I was talking to Taylor and we were bonding really quick.

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I was talking to Joshua and Lucas the hole way but I couldn't stop staring at Madelyne. She was so cute in the big sweatshirt. I couldn't stop thinking about her wearing my hoodie and kissing me.
- Matthew... Matthew, Joshua and Lucas tried to talk to me but I didn't notice.
- Matthew, helloooo...
- YESS..., Matthew stop thinking about her like that. But she was so pretty, but she doesn't like you come on Matthew. But what if.
I didn't notice that we where at school. Me and Madelyne had math class again, we walked together but we didn't talk. I was to nervous, I've never felt this feeling before. Was it real love?

We came to the class but I didn't work, i couldn't. I couldn't stop thinking about her. She looked at me and asked me what was wrong.
- What's wrong? She asked me.
- Nothing, I said.
But it didn't work, she knew something was wrong.
- It's a girl isn't it..
I looked at her surprised, could she read my mind?
- What no?! I said that and looked at her.
I looked at her while she jumped of the chair and picked her pen up.
- Your blushing, she whispered in my ear and sat down next to me. I laughed at her and annoyed her by pulling some of her hair strands. She pushed me and I pushed her back. She gave me a look that said "your going to regret that!" and that's how the play fight started.

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We where pushing each other until mrs. Williams told us to stop so she can make an announcement.
- Ok, you all have worked really good today but there's a new student coming in 10 minutes so make an good influence.
I looked at Matthew and he where already staring at me. We both waited for her or him to walk in.

We heard the door open and I stood up to introduce myself first. I saw the long black hair, I almost recognized it. My heart dropped when I saw that my childhood best friend was standing there. I ran up to her and hugged her.
- It's really you!!! I screamed really loud.
- Maddie!!!! she laughed.
I looked at her and smiled. Matthew didn't understand anything. I introduced Matthew to her.
- Matthew this is Lizzy, Lizzy this is Matthew.
- Hi.. he sounded nervous.
- Ok class school has ended, see you on Monday, the teacher said.

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