Chapter 3

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Sarah's pov

"I literally can not believe this man!" I said taking a seat at a lunch table in the hall

"Who? Your principal?" Asked favour, my friend, classmate and fellow prefect, saying 'your principal' like she wasn't a student of the school. She's the social prefect of the school and that makes her responsible for any social event of the school

"Yeah!! I still can't believe he moved a meeting he scheduled himself, after making us rush to school and not just that, he used our short break for the meeting!! "I said totally exasperated.

My school has two break periods the short break, which our principal graciously used today, and the lunch break which as the name implies, was made for eating lunch. The short break, which is fifteen minutes, comes first, after, we've had three classes from the dismissal of the school's assembly. It's made so student can get a little mental break. Then there are two extra periods before the lunchbreak, which is forty-five minutes, then three more periods before closing hour.

Right now, it's currently lunch break and I'm mentally and physically exhausted. It's been a long day.

"You know how he is, right? He acts like he is charge of the world when really he is just in charge of a freaking high school" Bekky a fellow prefect said. Which was hilarious because she never complains

"We just have to be glad that we're leaving in a month and half" I said chuckling

"Yeah but also, prom is coming up!!! " favour said practically squealing, making every one at the table including me wince

"Favour, we already know how excited you are, no need to destroy our eardrums" Caleb, the senior prefect boy, said glaring at her

"I just needed to make sure everyone heard and no one forgets duhh" favour replied sticking out her tongue at him

"Oh we heard, really loudly I might add" Bekky said making everyone laugh

"Whatever" Favour said shrugging while pouting

"No need to feel bad, we all know how hard you're working to make our prom great and we love you for that. You know you also have our support" I said to her

"Thanks deary" she replied cheering up

"Just don't render us deaf before prom with your excitement, we wanna hear the music that is being played there"I said with a smirk. Causing another round of laughter at the table

"Saraahh" she whined

Every one at the table consisted of all the prefects, which are ten in number and extra five classmates of ours making us fifteen in total at the table. So, the tables in the school's lunch hall are rectangular and ginormous

"Sarah I got you lunch" a classmate of mine said giving me a tray of food

"Thanks, you shouldn't have" I said taking the tray, not bothering to try and refuse it because it'll just be a waste of time. I've learnt the hard way not to reject the gifts being given to me and they were a lot. My locker can attest to that, it's filled to the brim with candies, cards, cookie and whatever. Anything I can't eat I just give to people that want them, to avoid wastage

I stopped refusing gifts the day a junior gave me a box of very expensive chocolates. Seeing what it was I gave it back to her saying that I couldn't accept it. She immediately started shedding tears saying I didn't like her at all. I tried explaining my reasons to her stating that I did like her but she wouldn't have it, still crying hysterically, saying and I quote "you wouldn't refuse gifts some someone you like"

I took the gift trying to get her to stop crying, she kept at it, only stopping when I had eaten every bit of the chocolate in her presence. I had stomach ache for two good days after that.

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