chapter 15

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Sarah's pov

It's been a week since my family had dinner with the Morgans and I can say they weren't joking at all. I wake up everyday thinking that it's all been just a bad dream but everyday I get reminded that it's not when my mom shows me a dress she wants me to wear or when my dad talks about it in general

Things at home has been, to put it nicely, awkward. My sister and brother have been really quiet and often avoid everyone, my parents try to act unaffected but I can tell you... they ain't fooling no one except maybe themselves?

The only person that's really happy and doesn't feel the tension that's in the house is my dear niece, Hope. She goes around still giving heart warming smiles to everyone, making me want to be a child again!!! I love her so much, Can't believe I'm gonna leave her soon

At school, I try as much as possible to act like nothing is wrong and still pretend to be cheerful because I really don't want pity, mockery or anyone to know in general! The situation is so embarrassing

I sometimes see Daniel at school but I think by some unspoken agreement, we don't speak to each other at school, in fact, we don't speak to each other at all. We're probably just waiting till the day our fates will be sealed

I'm just glad that the 'wedding' was set to happen after the end of the school's session. Which means I can at least finish highschool like a normal senior

Which brings us to the fact that today was finally prom. I wasn't all that excited to go but since I had promised every one expecially Favour that I would attend, I have no choice but to roll out of bed since it was scheduled to start by 5pm and it was currently 4pm

Also, Caleb had asked me months before to be my escort to the prom and I had accepted, so I can't back out now. He'll also be here to pick me up by 4:45pm

Getting up from my comfortable bed I stood up, went to my closet and picked a random dress from the section of my closet that had only dresses that I use for parties or events. It's a good thing I have an organized wardrobe!!!

Then, I bent and picked a pair random black heels from the bottom of my closet because black would go with anything. Then to finish the collection, I picked out a small black clutch to go with the shoes

If you can't tell yet, I'm not even trying at all. That's how uninterested I am about this event. All I want is to graduate and see what life has in store for me after which from the signs I've been getting lately it's not gonna be a walk in the park

After taking a shower, I put on my dress and shoes. As I was about to walk out my room door, I remembered I hadn't done anything to my hair. So retraced my steps and stood before the mirror, I decided to comb my tangled hair, bonded it and styled the front with gel

Once I was done, my mom came into the room looked me up and down before saying

"Caleb is waiting in the living room" she said

"Okay" I said and walked towards my door

"Sarah, remember you are getting married next week. So be careful and don't do anything that will ruin our family's name or your life" she said

"Okay" I said again but this time in a dull tone and walked away

Entering the living room I saw Caleb sitting on the couch. He stood when he saw me.

"Hey, Sarah. You look beautiful" he said with a smile

"Really?" I said looking myself over, I was wearing a burgundy coloured floor length dress that had a slight slit on the left side also had sweetheart styled neckline with longsleeves.

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