What Is A Fla'Marie Astengard? What Is There Strengths And Weaknesses? P.2
Apr 14, 2016
The Fla'Marie Astengard also have the ability to give immortality to another being such as a human but only after they have withdrew the toxins that run in the blood stream to be able to offer it in doses of 1 ounce at a time until a total of 6 ounces has been administered to the person they are giving immortality to. This process can take up to but not limited to the time frame of 3 months and during this time the person that receives the blood of the Fla'Marie Astengard to obtain immortality will undergo some changes. But however it requires more than 6 ounces of their blood to turn the person into a vampiric like being, it would take almost 24 ounces of their blood to start the change and a total of 48 ounces to complete it. But 6 ounces gives the person immortality and a few enhanced abilities but not limited to the following.
Enhanced sight but not limited to night vision.
Enhanced hearing more powerful than a normal human's hearing levels.
Enhanced speed and or reflexes but not limited to enhanced range of motion.
Enhanced healing or regeneration of wounds depending on the severity that can slow healing time up to 72 hours or 3 days equivalent.
Telekinesis with the host giver.
The recipient will immediately cease to age from what ever age they receive the hosts blood plus if they have any health issues they will be healed at once but can take up to a week to heal more severe health issues such as major diseases such as the following, cancer, aids and such as this. It may take longer depending on how bad the disease is and how much damage has been done to the recipients body.
These are just a few of the things that can happen to them but death will be halted by receiving the host's blood, they can be on the verge of death and it will halt it and start the change in their bodies and pluck them essentially from the grasp of death however in their weakened state they will need to remain immobile for up to 36 hours to allow the host's blood to fully circulate through out the recipient's body and start the healing process. Recovery can take up to a week after the host's blood has been ingested or main lined into their system via IV that can become a bit tricky and has to done using extreme caution with the host Fla'Maire Astengard remaining present carefully monitoring the recipient for reactions and so forth that could be considered abnormal such as but not limited to the following.
Anaphylactic shock, closing of the throat, tongue, breathing issues, lowered blood pressure, hives. (But this is the severest of reactions.)
But other than these no other reactions is possible.
The Lab Where Remy13 Began
Fantasía***Do not repost this without my express permission*** ***May contain Adult language*** ***Not Suitable for those under 18*** ***The characters in this fictional story bear no resemblance to those alive or dead. This is intended to be a Fictional p...