Curses, Sometimes Are Not As They Seem.
Oct 27, 2016
a solemn utterance intended to invoke a supernatural power to inflict harm or punishment on someone or something.
"she'd put a curse on him"
synonyms malediction, hex, jinx; More
an offensive word or phrase used to express anger or annoyance.
"his mouth was spitting vile oaths and curses"
synonyms : obscenity, swear word, expletive, oath, profanity, four-letter word, dirty word, blasphemy; More
invoke or use a curse against.
"it often seemed as if the family had been cursed"
synonyms: put a curse on, put the evil eye on, anathematize, damn, hex, jinx; archaic imprecate
"it seemed as if the family had been cursed"
utter offensive words in anger or annoyance.
"drivers were cursing and sounding their horns"
synonyms: swear, blaspheme, take the Lord's name in vain.
For Remy, this small word holds more volume than it does for most. You see she has beauty and intelligence sure, but she was also cursed to be alone in the matters of the heart. This has been proven over and over again as she keeps finding herself alone and surrounded by her solitude, and this gets lonely for her but there is nothing she can do about it.
Yes she may seek out company on occasion, but nothing ever lasts for her. You see she is not like anything you've come across she is somewhat of a anomaly that can't be explained. She is both desired but at the same time held at arms length by those that fall for her, or worse they walk away leaving her questioning her judgement once again as time passes this hurt grows.
And every hurt makes her more and more distant and doubting towards the next that chooses to be apart of her existence, making it harder for her to trust when someone comes along proclaiming their undying love for her. Or they say she is all they think of it makes her Leary and start questioning why they are approaching her with such. But every time it has ended the same way with her feeling more and more like she bears some unseen curse that leaves her to her solitude and wishing for something to share her life with, but none ever seem to stick around.
So Remy, stays to herself wondering in the back of her mind is it her or something she has done to deserve such a cruel fate that has been dealt to her over the years. All the while she keeps seeing those around her find what she so secretly desires but never finds and wonders if such even exists for her.
But all and all it has taught her trust her gut when it seems to good it generally is and this fact has proven its self time and time again in her life. And more often than not she is seen as something to be desired but never truly loved, a object to hold for a moment but never dare to claim. She is unlovable it would seem except by those she has chosen to call family or friend and even they shy away from the lone beauty who spends most of her days wandering around her home or engrossed in some new music or a book that has caught her attention.
But for her to find that one that can accept her she has not, and wonders in the back of her mind will she ever?
So the next time you think of the word Curse, remember there is one who knows it all to well and lives beneath is banner alone.
The Lab Where Remy13 Began
Fantasy***Do not repost this without my express permission*** ***May contain Adult language*** ***Not Suitable for those under 18*** ***The characters in this fictional story bear no resemblance to those alive or dead. This is intended to be a Fictional p...