Chapter 4

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Naruto. That was all they got before he passed out again. Minato didn't waste any more time after that. "Alright Naruto, we are going to bring you home." As he was saying this, Minato carefully picked up the young boy, and he signaled to the others to start making their way back to the Leaf Village.

The journey was longer than all of them were hoping for, but they couldn't afford to stop. Not when they had a nearly dead teenager with them. They had to hurry, but they had to be careful not to further injure the young man. Minato was getting more and more anxious the longer they went without reaching the village. Before he could have a full blown panic attack they were finally able to see the main gates of the Leaf Village. It was a welcome site for all four of them.

They slowed down to a brisk walk when they entered the village, not wanting to attract too much attention to themselves, though they still got weird looks from villagers at the unknown newcomer, but since he was with the Yellow Flash no one questioned it. "Kakashi. Obito. I want you two to go to the Hokage and report on the mission. Rin and I will take Naruto to the hospital." With no room to argue they split up to go to their respective destinations. Please be okay! Please don't let it be too late!

Minato nearly burst through the hospital doors by the time they got there, scaring almost everyone in the room. "Hey, this boy needs a doctor right now!" Minato was frantic at this point. His eyes showed a fear that was almost never there. He felt as if he was losing his wife Kushina.

When all of the nurses saw the condition of the poor boy being carried by the Yellow Flash they immediately leapt into action. Six nurses took the unconscious Naruto to a room in the back of the hospital where they started tending to the many, many wounds covering him. Minato and Rin were told to wait out in the hallway while Naruto was in surgery. Minato couldn't stop pacing.

Rin sweatdropped as she watched her sensei anxiously walking around. "Sensei, you should sit down, I'm sure he'll be okay. We just have to be patient." She was trying to calm Minato down. She was worried about Naruto too, but seeing the fear in her otherwise fearless sensei was something that worried her more so she decided to ask him about it. "Hey sensei? Can I ask you something?"

"Sure Rin, what is it?" Minato stopped to listen to his student's question.

"We just found this boy and don't even know who he really is. So why does it seem like you are so afraid for him?" She instantly regretted asking when she saw her sensei freeze where he was standing. An intense and silent moment passed and she was about to say 'forget it' when he finally spoke.

"I don't know." Minato really didn't know what to say. "I just have this strange feeling. Like I know him, but I know I don't." At this point he was just getting all of his thoughts out there. "It might be because he reminds me so much of Kushina, or maybe because he looks like me it would just be weird if he died. Maybe he is some far distant relative I didn't know that I had." He was more talking to himself now, pacing again since he couldn't seem to sit still.

Rin just listened to her sensei rant to himself, watching him as he walked up and down the hallway of the hospital. Luckily she didn't have to watch too much longer because a nurse finally opened the door to Naruto's room and stepped into the hallway.

"How is he?! Is he okay?!" Minato was the first to speak, running up to the nurse who blushed so hard at how close the famous Yellow Flash was to her.

"He is still unconscious and still in critical condition due to the severity of his wounds and the severe depletion of chakra in his body..." She tried to explain further but was interrupted by Minato...again...

"Is there anything else you can do?!" He didn't want to hear that the boy might not make it. He was desperate at this point. The war had already claimed too many lives. He didn't want to lose anyone else. "Please..." this was barely above a whisper, a plea that only the nurse and Rin could hear.

"Don't worry." The nurse sent a small smile to Minato hoping that she could send him the hope he so desperately needed in that moment. "We are giving him some blood to help with the blood loss he sustained, and now that his wounds have been tended to, we believe that his condition is stable and he will pull through eventually."

"Oh thank Kami." Minato let out a breath he didn't even know he was holding. "Can we go in and see him?"

"Yes, you can. Though just be prepared, it's not a happy sight." The nurse then pulled out all the other medical personnel and left the two ninjas to see their newfound friend.

Minato and Rin both walked toward the hospital room and just as they were about to turn the handle Minato froze. Why am I so nervous? He couldn't help but think that, wondering why he felt so weak all of a sudden. He could tell Rin was looking at him, a silent question in her eyes if he was okay or not. So he took a deep breath to steady himself and opened the door...

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