Events in My Life

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Here's the next part. Our teacher told us to write an event from our childhood that stands out to us. We did so. She then told us to fictionalize it. She said we could add or change anything. So I did so. Hope you enjoy!

(I've also changed both my brothers, and my own name, for privacy's sake.)

Real life:

I was four years old when it happened.

I was sitting calmly in front of the TV, watching what was going on on the screen and eating my lunch, when I felt a small pull in my mouth and a metallic taste on my tongue. Surprised, I felt the hole where my tooth had been with my tongue. I was quite shocked. Looking down at my sandwich, I saw a small white tooth peeping up at me, almost buried inside the bread. At that point, I was more excited than anything, and I yelled to my mom what had happened. She was excited as well, as it was my first tooth, and helped me hide the tooth under my pillow for the tooth fairy.

That was the first time I lost a tooth, and it is a memory I will never forget. To this day, I look back and wonder just what would have happened if I hadn't felt and tasted my tooth being gone.

It would have been hard to swallow, that's for sure.


One day, when I was five, I was eating a sandwich and watching TV when my brother punched me in the mouth. For literally no reason! Okay, maybe I was being a little mean to him earlier that day. But still!

I turned to him, shocked and angry in my five-year-old way, fully prepared to have a full-on fist fight.

But he smiled a big, cheerful grin at me. "Look, Elwy, I helwped you get you toof out! Am I a nice broder?" He was four, and still learning to speak well.

I glowered down at him, rubbing my mouth. "Branny, that was mean! Tooths don't come out unless they be'd already loose. That was owie!" My five-year-old speech was much more sophisticated than his four-year-old, of course.

I didn't want to feel guilty, but the tears I could see welling in my little brothers eyes were making it hard. Finally, I gave in and put my arm around him.
"It's okay, Branny. I'm not mad to you. I'm not too much hurted. It was just a little push, you know."

He smiled though his tears. "Reawy? I didn't mean to huwt you. I wanted to do a nice fing fo my sistew!" he wailed. I comforted him again.

"It's okay. I still love you, brother," I said affectionately.

"I wuv you too, Elwy."

Other events in my life (not in any particular order):


Became best friends with my brother

Lost a tooth

Learned to read

Started writing

Went to school

Left school

My sister was born

Aunt came to live with us

Grandma died

Aunt got married

Started writing more

Went to TNT

Started publishing on Wattpad

Started writing fanfiction

Started getting into stocks

Got sick (not Corona, just a cold)

Hung out in pajamas for three days

Had zoom classes

Had more zoom classes

Had more zoom classes

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