4 ♡

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When morning comes, Seungmin is already heading to the Astronaut hotel where Hyunjin has been staying in. He finds it quite weird but just guesses the male is not from Seoul and is staying over for some reason. When he gets there, a nice doorman smiles at him and opens the door, so he can go in.

"Good morning! Welcome to Astronaut hotel! How can I help you?" a pretty cheerful girl smiles at him.

"Good morning" Seungmin takes out his doctor ID and some papers, "I'm here because a young man, Hwang Hyunjin, was staying here before he got into an accident. I've got the papers needed to access his room and take his things out"

The girl seems concerned, "Hyunjin? Oh my god! Is he okay? We were worried because he didn't come home but since he used to sometimes sleep over at his practice room... we just thought it was that" there are some tears in her eyes, "Is he gonna he okay?" she takes the papers, checking them to validate the permissions.

"Hopefully, yes" Seungmin smiles, "I just want to make his hospital room comfortable enough for him"

"Yes! Of course" the girl nods and turns around to search for a key "Here" she turns around again and gives Seungmin a card "Third floor, room 320"

"Thank you"

Seungmin takes the card and after a quick bow, he goes to the elevator. Seems like Hyunjin's got not only the whole hospital staff whipped, but the hotel one too. When he gets inside the room, he sighs, it's actually organized and won't be that hard to pack it all.

"Okay, time to pack" he encourages himself.

After what seems like hours but is actually just 30 minutes, he's got everything in Hyunjin's suitcase, so he's ready to go, before he can put a foot outside the room, his phone starts to vibrate inside his back pocket.

Doctor Kim is calling...

"Dr. Kim?" he quickly answers. Dr. Kim never calls unless it is an emergency.

"Seungmin" the doctor seems kinda tired, "I need you to come here right now"

"What? Why? Is everything okay? Is Hyunjin okay?" he panics.

"There's been a small problem" Dr. Kim sighs "His bandage is off"

"What?! I was gonna take it off!"

"I know, kid. I know. One of the new nurses was checking up on him but scared him..." there's a pause, Seungmin's heart raises "He got a panic attack and as he tried to fight the nurse, his bandaged fell off"

"Is... Is he-?" Seungmin is not able to finish.


"No..." he sounds sad, "He's been asking for you, so please come"

Seungmin hangs up and rushes out of the room like crazy.

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