Part III

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SCENE 11 -

Sad music continues playing as the camera shows a birdseye view of the city. Cut to CHRIS'S living room once again, where he's sitting on the couch, eating a sandwich, and watching TV. He is wearing a tanktop with his beard growing out. He looks like a mess, dude. CHRIS takes a deep breath, and goes back to his desk where the laptop he was supposed to fix is. He flips it over, revealing the same logo as before. CHRIS'S eyes widen, and we get a flashback to the robot fight scene, where a slow motion shot of the back of the robot reveals the same logo. Woah.

CHRIS [quietly, to himself]: What the hell?

Suspenseful music starts, and CHRIS whips out his trusty screwdriver from his pocket. Cue a montage of CHRIS working on the computer, and doing research on another computer. Show a clock timelapse, growing into the late hours of the night. He keeps working, until finally we hear an alarm. He wakes up, hair all messed up, sleeping at the table with the computer.

CHRIS: Oh darn, I overslept! I slept in too late! Darn. Better get going.

CHRIS boots up the broken computer--it's good as new. Perfect. CHRIS gets into his car, and starts playing his own music again. He rushes out of his driveway, making as any tire screeches as possible. He goes to MAN 1's house to return his now working computer. When he gets there, he sees that the house has laser holes in the walls, and is on fire. Uh oh! It looks like a robot has been here.

CHRIS: Uh oh! It looks like a robot has been here. This must be worse than I thought. I better go check it out.

CHRIS gets out of his car to investigate the scene. He walks up to the door--it's unlocked. Score! He walks inside, and sees MAN 1 on the floor, dead, with laser holes.

CHRIS: Oh no!

He takes a look around the place, burning with lots of CGI fire. He sees something shiny on the floor, and gets low to check it out.

CHRIS: Hmmm... I wonder what this could be.

It's a computer part.

CHRIS: Oh I know... it's a computer part!

CHRIS picks it up to examine it closer. It has the same logo as on the robot. Interesting...

CHRIS: I better tell someone about this...

CHRIS looks through his phone contacts.

CHRIS: Not Kevin, he's a loser.

CHRIS comes across "Erika <3 <3," and sad music starts playing, but it slowly morphs to rock, and he gets a determined, hopeful look on his face.

CHRIS: I know how to prove to her that this is all real!

He dials up "Erika <3 <3," and it goes to voicemail.

ERIKA [VOICEMAIL]: Hii, you've reached Erika! Please leave a message after the beep.

CHRIS snaps his flip phone closed, and gets in his car. Uh oh, is he going to Erika's house? Yes. Yes he is. He drives off into the distance, blasting his tunes. He arrives on the doorstep. Erika opens the door.

ERIKA: Chris?? What do you want?

CHRIS: I need to show you something. Come with me.

ERIKA: Whaat? No! You're crazy!

CHRIS: Erika, if you think about it we're all crazy. Come on.

ERIKA: Chris, you're freaking me out.

CHRIS: I know babe, you just gotta trust me on this, okay?

ERIKA [hesitantly]: Okay, Chris. But this has better be something good!

The Robot: Boogie Machine of DoomWhere stories live. Discover now