Chapter 004

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« we're not even friends »

« we're not even friends »

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❝ Date me. ❞

Jake was stunned for a second, then he burst out laughing. He doubted Jangmi was serious, she couldn't be.

❝ I get that I'm quite boyfriend material, but isn't asking a stranger to date you too much? We barely even know each other. ❞

His cocky grin made Jangmi roll her eyes. He had a point. What was she even thinking? They're from two different classes. She had a mission to complete though. She was nowhere near from backing up from her plan. He was the one who asked her for a request first.

❝ Fine with me. I guess I can't help you then, sorry. ❞

Jake scoffed a bit, preparing to leave her behind and head his way home. He should've never asked for her help in the first place. Maybe he got it all wrong.

It'd be ridiculous if his life depended on this person.

Giving a big sigh, he looked at Jangmi for the last time before looking away. ❝ What was I even thinking? How can you be soulmate? Am I right? ❞ He asked the shorter who was dumbfounded at his question.

❝ What in the Korean drama shit are you even saying? I thought this was about your heath. ❞ Jangmi raised a brow in disbelief.

❝ Just forget it and just keep on doing... whatever you're doing. Bye. ❞ Jake collected himself and resumed his tracks. He thought he was doing a good job on parting ways with that unhelpful girl but his legs were telling him otherwise.

They were glued to the ground as if something went wrong with his nerves.

His mind dwelled about the girl once again, as if he's forced to by something or someone.

'What if she's in danger? What if there's some kidnapper on loose in the town right now? What if some guys are messing with her? What if her phone runs out of battery?

Snap out of it, Jake Sim! She's not your business.'

He took a deep breath and huffed out really loudly. Jake found himself going back for her and cursed her name, ❝ Damnit, Park Jangmi. Why am I caring so much about you? ❞

Thankfully, Jake was able to catch up with her because she hadn't gone that far yet.

❝ I'll walk you home. ❞

❝ The fuc- Oh, it's you again. ❞ Jangmi sighed and patted her poor chest.

Jake just kept his head straight and continued talking with her. ❝ Why are you even out on your own this late? It's quite dangerous you know. ❞

Jangmi decided to play cocky after hearing his concern for her. ❝ So you came all the way back here because you were worried for me? ❞

❝ Don't misunderstand. I would've done the same if my other female friends were in the same situation. ❞ What a cold hearted person, Jake Sim was.

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