chapter 1

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I hear gunshots outside and my eyes widen. my eyes immediately shift to my older sister wanda. i can tell she's scared but she smiles at me anyway. she hastily finishes brushing my hair. She slides off my bed and quickly darts out of my room.

I lean closer to the door and recognise my brothers voice

"is it them?" wanda asks

I hear pietro chuckle quietly 

"who else would it be?" he jokes

I lean a but closer but they walk away, still talking in hushed voices. I turn back to the book i was reading and pull out the bookmark.   

the alarms continue to screech but i block out the sound and flip the page. I knew they were watching me, i glance at the cameras stationed in the corners if my cell. I hear shouting and gunshots outside and i shudder. I knew this was my chance, but was it really the best idea?

I sit in silence having a mental argument with myself. An opportunity like this doesnt happen often but on the other hand it would be dangerous and extremely risky. I bite my lip amd fiddle with the corner of my jacket. 

Wanda walks back in, a serious look on her face. I can tell shes trying to read my mind but i manage to block her out. I give her a questioning glance and my sister sighs

'Your  brother doesn't want me telling you this...' she begins, worriedly 

I raise an eyebrow, willing  her to continue 

'Bad people are here, they are after the septer' 

My eyes widen and i stare at my sister in shock. My hands start shaking and i feel my heartbeat increasing rapidly.

'The avengers' i say quietly, my voice barley audible 

Wanda nods, She looks to the doorway and as if on que, pietro speeds in. His face is twisted into an expression on worry but it disappears after he sees me.

'Come sister, we must greet our guests' he says, a small smirk appearing 

He turns to me

"Stay here, me and Wanda can take of this, ' pietro says sternly 

"but i'm not a little kid anymore, i can look after myself" i argue angrily

'stay here' he says

Pietro picks Wanda up and runs off again leaving me behind. i curse in my head about what im about to do. i hear more guards tumping dawn the corridor, shouting orders into earpieces. 

'i can look after myself' i think angrily

i roll my eyes and get up. I peek out the small window of my cell into the woods beside the baseits snowing lightly and even though the fighting only started a few minutes ago, the place was a mess, the bodies of hydra soldiers littered  the fresh snow colouring it a deep shade of crimson. I lock my eyes on the body closest to my window and focus.

I feel the familiar tingle spread through my small body and then stop abruptly. I look down at myself and nod happily. Where i stood a few moments ago there was a man, he had dark brown eyes, and a buzz cut. 

I glance at the mirror and give myself a nod of aproval. I walk back over to the door way and peek out. 

All clear

I step out and sprint down the seemingly endless concrete hallways. I continue to run until i make it to my destination: the back gate

I slip out and close the door quietly, carfull to not alert anyone nearby. I step out into the snow and I spot a man who looks to be wearing a flag nearby. i panic and dive behind a rock.

I  cautiously peek over the rock and watch as flag man walks past. once i cant see him anymore i move away from the rock and head away from the fight and the base. 

i roamed the woods for what seemed like hours until i spotted something in a clearing nearby. a large metal bird sat in a large clearing, i quickly shifted back into myself and But groaned when i relized the clothes hydra gave me were doing nothing to keep me warm . The frosty air bit at my face but I ignored it and continued to study the large mental bird. 

I stand still, my face a mix of confusion and curiosity. The sound of a twig snapping brings me back to reality. My head whips around and i find myself face to face with a red headed woman. 

I squeaked and felt the familiar tingle for the third time today. I suddenly felt extremely small, i swear in my head when i realise I've accidentally shifted into a mouse. I swear again again when i see that the woman had seen me shift.

The woman was still standing there, her eyes  wide with shock. She taps her ear and starts talking to nothing

Oh shit, she must have an earpiece. I panic again and start running as fast as my tiny mouse legs will let me go, which isn't that fast. Despite that I manage to make it out of the clearing and into a small mole hole. 

When I'm positive she's gone i carefully skitter out and shift back yet again. the frigid air bites at my exposed skin and i dash back out of the clearing.

After taking a deep breath i commence part 2 of my plan: run like hell


A/N wow! First chapter done! I hope you guys enjoyed and if you have any comments of suggestions make sure to comment them 

Goodbye my little spiders - miss muffet

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