chapter 5

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(3rd pov)

Two teengers watched as a young girl strolled happily down the street humming to herself. The silently followed the girl as she made her way towards the poorer part of town. The girl stopped humming and her face became cold as she spotted a collapsed building. 

She paused and stared at it her eyes quickly filling with tears. Still unaware that she was being watched the girl wiped her tears away with her sleeves and continued walking.

"What is she thinking" one of the teenagers asked running a hand through his hair. 

"She's sad, she blames herself for our parents death" the other one said quietly, her voice almost a whisper.

The boy nodded sadly and they continued on slipping through the shadows, not making a sound.

(Faye pov)

I force myself to look away from what used to be my home, reduced to rumble.  I take a deep breath in and let the salty tears roll down my pale face as i walk away. 

It starts to snow again and the frosty air bites my face. I sprit the rest of the way to my apartment and face plant onto the couch. I lay there for a few moments before tiredly getting up and walking over to my bed. I put on my pyjamas and slip under my blanket.

My eyelids start to feel heavy and begin to flutter closed before i drift off to sleep.

 ~time skip~

 "what do we do?" a voice whispers

i moan quietly as the afternoon light blinds me, i rub my eyes letting them adjust to the bright sunlight pouring into the room via a large window. I push the blankets off me and sit up. A floorboard creaks loudly, my eyes widen and i quickly turn my head in the direction of the noise.

Standing in the doorway are two faces i hoped id never have to see again, wanda sends a icy glare at pietro before turning to look at me. Her face softens and she rushes over embracing me in a tight hug. I narrow my eyes and push her away from me. I jump off my bed and cross my arms

"What are you guys doing here, i thought i made it clear i wanted nothing to do with you!" I hiss, glaring at them both

Wanda looks to pietro and he steps out of the doorway and toward me.

"it is too dangerous to live out here alone, were taking you home "младшая cестра"

"no you know what's dangerous?! handing your little sister over to a madman!" i scream my eyes glassing over with tears

the twins stand dumbstruck not knowing what to say, i take this as my opportunity and push past both of them. i grab my go-bag that i kept next to the window and hastily shove in on my back. the window groans in protest as i use all my strength to tug it open. 

by the time my siblings had processed what happened i had climbed out of the window and down into the alleyway. i shift into a large dog i hand seen earlier and take off sprinting out of town.


i made it to the docks by nightfall and silently shifted back behind a wooden shack. i pulled my hood up so it obscured my face and walked down the docks observing the large array of boats. i stopped near a vast boat i had over hear was headed out of sokovia. i soundlessly crept onboard while the crew where loading in the last of the cargo and sneaked bellow deek and hid behind a pile of wooden crates. 

i curl up in a ball and lay down on the cold steel floor using my bag as a makeshift pillow. silent tears drip down my pale face as i the boat begins to move. 

"извини, мама и папа, это моя вина..." i mumble before my i fall into a dreamless sleep



младшая cестра- little sister

извини, мама и папа, это моя вина-  i'm sorry mama and papa, this is all my fault

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