chapter 3

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the day started normally, i woke up, grabbed an apple from my fruit bowl and headed out to the market. i kept my hood up and slipped through the crowd, stealing a wallet or a something else valuable every now and then. i feel a pang of guilt as i swipe a wallet from a middle aged pregnant woman but i do what i need to do to survive.

by lunchtime i had managed to gather 328 in cash and a nice looking diamond ring. i smirk and slide the ring onto my fore finger. after shoving the wad of money into my pocket i head to the cafe near the church. 

i order my usual, a ham and cheese sandwich and hot chocolate. the woman at the counter smiles and hands my my lunch. i hand her a handful of coins before leaving

i step out of the shop and take a sip of my drink, letting it warm me. despite the cold weather the snow has started to melt, forming small mush puddles. i sigh and take a large bite of my sandwich and continue walking. i sit down on a bench outside the church and fiddle with my ring. 

it starts to rain and i pull my jacket closer to my body.  'i should have brought an umbrella' i think bitterly. the rain continues to pour down and i get up to leave but something stops me. 

two voices. wait three voices coming from inside the church

what are they doing here?!  and who are they talking to?! i think, starting to panic. i curse angrily under my breath and start walking as fast as i can away from the building.

a million thoughts rush through my head as i near the abandoned apartment building was staying in

did they see me? who was the other person in the church? and what were they talking about?

i turn into the alleyway behind the crumbling building and scale the wall. i jump through the open window and crash land on the dusty floor. a small groan escapes my lips as i stand up and brush the dust off my jeans.

A small groan escapes my lips as i heave myself up, using the wall to steady me. I sigh and head toward my kitchen, it was broken and outdated but it works. 

The tap takes a few seconds to start working and even the it coughs and splutters as if it had a cold. I splash water on my face taking a deep breath in to calm myself.  The small apartment is silent exept for the faint pitter patter of rain on the dirty windows. 

Maybe I'm just being paranoid, it was probably all my in my head ... 

I shake my head and walk back to the living collapsing on my torn up couch, i had found it a few days ago abandoned next to a dumpster. After a bit of elbow grease and a needle and thread it was almost as good as new, take note of the almost.  I sit down and grab my book in a desperate attempt to calm my nerves. 

I took out the bookmark and let myself drift into a world of smiling cats, talking rabbits with clocks and crazy queens...


A/N  I'm sorry this chapter is super short, i wanted to introduce faye a bit more. I promise the next few chapters will be better!

Goodbye my little spiders- miss muffet

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