Chapter 2

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I run for what feels like ages until i reach the outskirts of a small village. I walk straight through the town ignoring the weird looks i got. I brush a peice of hair behind my ear and survey the area. It seems to be some sort of market, run down stalls and shops surround the rickety town square. I slowly work my way away from the crowds and onto the almost deserted streets. 

As the sun sets i manage to find a box large enough for me to fit. i curl up into a tight ball in an attempt to keep out the cold winter air. my sleep is filled with memories of my life at hydra...

6 years ago

Tears roll down down my cheeks as i pull against the tight restraints. My whole body hurts and my eyes are red from crying. My eyes widen as a group of men and women in stark white lab coats walk in and start talking in hushed voices. One of the women is holding a needle the size of my hand , filled with a glowing purple fluid . I continue to desperately tug against the leather straps, the woman comes toward me, clutching the needle. Without warning she stabs it into my arm, injecting the fluid into my body. I scream in agony as i feel whatever the glowing fluid course through my veins. My eyes begin to grow heavy from exhaustion and i let myself slip into a dreamless sleep...

I wake with a start, sweaty al, over. Its still dark out and i decide that i need to find something else to wear since i stood out like a sore thumb in the clothes hydra had given me. Luckily after 6 years at hydra i knew how to pick pockets, it was literally the only thing i had to do to pass time. I stand up and silently make my way back to the marketplace.

Despite the early hour the square is full of people trying to get groceries. I survey the crowd and pick out my first target, a large man who looked to be around 40 years old. His wallet was sticking out of his back pocket, making my job a whole lot easier. I slowly make my way over to him and purposely bump into him. While he's distracted i slip my hand into his pocket and pull out a large wallet.

"Oh im super sorry sir, i wasn't looking where i was going" i hurriedly apologise

He glares at me and the walks off. I smirk and run off before he notices his missing wallet. I sprint back to the ally way my box is located. I lean against the brick wall and pull a wad of cash out from the wallet.

I quickly count it and smile, 250£. I toss the wallet and sigh. Maybe this was a good idea after all, i could make myself a new life here and i could be happy. I smile and walk out of the alleyway and back onto the cobblestone streets. I locate a small op shop and push the door open. i step in and instantly the stench of mothballs and mold slaps me in the face making my skin crawl. A loud snore interrupts my thoughts, i look around for the source of the sound and see a old lady sleeping behind the front desk. 

I close the door quietly so i don't wake the old lady. I tip toe over to the clothes rack and select a pair of white sneakers, a black t-shirt, a grey hoodie and skinny jeans. After wander around the store for another few minutes i pick out a leather backpack and pretty ring with a small blue stone in the middle 

 After wander around the store for another few minutes i pick out a leather backpack and pretty ring with a small blue stone in the middle 

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(The outfit, ignore the sunglasses)

I change and shove my hydra clothes into the black backpack. I pull the hoodie on and tug the hood over my head. A bell rings and i hear someone walk into the run down shop. I jog back to the counter and slide 20£ towards the lady before swiftly leaving.

I lived like this for weeks, stealing money and whatever else i needed to survive. I found an abandoned apartment building near the edge of the town and settled down. I was happy or as close as it gets to that. I was free and could do what i liked when i liked. 

             Sadly all good things have to come to an end...


Sorry this chapter was so short, i wasn't really sure what to write but I promise the next chapter will be longer 😁

-the author 

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