Chapter 10

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Taehyung pov

I woke up about at 11.45pm because I was feeling thirsty. I went to the kitchen and drank some water and suddenly the glass slipped out of my hand when I was going wash it. I cleaned the broken pieces and decided to call Jungkook since he is not home yet. When I called him, his phone was switched off. So I decided I will stay until he comes home and switched on the tv.

However I didn't feel like watching tv and went to bed again and soon felt asleep. I woke upto the phone ringing and looked at the name displaying on the screen. I frowned to see Jimin calling at this time and answered the call.

'Hello..' I couldn't complete the sentence since Jimin interrupted.

'I'm infront of your house open the door.'

I ended the call and went to open the door.
Jimin looked like he was nervous and scared.

'Taehyung get ready we have to go to the hospital.'

'Why hospital?' when he said that I don't know but I felt scared.

'Yoongi hyung told us to come to the hospital.'

I quickly went to get changed and went to the hospital with Jimin. When we arrived our parents and friends were there. Everyone looked like they cried. So I went to yoongi hyung.

'Yoongi hyung what's wrong. Why are you all crying?'

'Taehyung you better calm down think about the child you're carrying please.'

I was getting impatient. 'Just say what is it?'

My mom came near me and hugged me.

'I'm sorry Taehyungie, Jungkook is no more in this world.'

I frozed when Yoongi hyung said that. What my kookie is dead. No no, its impossible. Just yesterday we celebrated about our baby and now what he's gone.

'You're lying right Yoongi hyung. Say that you're lying.'

'I'm not lying Tae.'

I fell down. Everything seems to blur around me. I was feeling dizzy. Only warmth I feel is my mom's.

Third person pov

Everyone felt sorry towards Taehyung. Especially Yoongi, he's scared because of this something might happen to the baby. Jungkook is alive. Jackson was able to save him but he's unconscious. Preparations are done to take Junkook somewhere far away from Korea. For now he's been treated in a special room and well guarded.

Taehyung started screaming and crying. It was heartbreaking to see him like that.

'Kookie how dare you leave me and baby. Are you angry with me? Do you not love me and the baby? Please...' and Taehyung fainted. He was immediately taken into a room and was given treatments so him and the baby is not in harm.

Preparations for the fake funeral is handled by Yoongi and words were spread about Junkook's death. Everyone were devastated.

Next day the funeral was held and even Changmin had shamelessly came with fake sadness. To say Yoongi was furious would be understandable. He felt like killing Changmin then and there but he had to control himself.

Taehyung was totally lost not talking with anyone. Its like he's not in this world. He look completely lost and pale. Jin and Taehyung's mom however force him to take meals on time and constantly remind him of the baby.

Because of the baby only he looked bit sane. He doesn't want to lose the only the thing of him and Jungkook.

The funeral ended and Taehyung lost consciousness during the burial site because of the too much crying. He was immediately being taken to the hospital and to the emergency. Everyone were waiting for the doctor to come and tell the condition of Taehyung. Yoongi was hoping and praying that nothing should happen to the baby otherwise he will regret and will feel guilty.

Doctor soon came out and inform that Taehyung and baby is doing fine and to take a good care of him so baby will grow healthily. Taehyung's mom decided to take Taehyung home with her.

When Taehyung woke up he was given so many advices and that he shouldn't stress anymore since it will be dangerous for the baby. Because of the baby Taehyung decided he should take good care of himself though it is difficult to move on from the sudden death of Jungkook.

A week later

'Dad I have to go to France for some work matters. Now that I'm handling Jungkook's work I have to go to France.'

'Okay. Take care Yoongi. Please be safe. You're the only one we have now that Jungkook is gone.' Mr.Jeon's eyes welled up with tears when that was bought up. Yoongi sighed. Well he's going to France because they're taking Jungkook to France since it will be safe there. Yoongi has a friend in France and he immediately agreed to arrange everything and even promised to take care of Jungkook. So now Jackson, Mark and Yoongi are taking Jungkook to France in their private jet.

Since Yoongi is not around Jimin would always be with Taehyung taking him out and doing anything to keep Taehyung cheerful so the baby would grow healthily.


I'm so sad I couldn't watch any of the bts performance due to bad internet connection...

It was unnecessary ranting but I'm truly feeling sad..


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