Chapter 12

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Third person pov

Yoongi was getting ready to go to the hospital. Jimin has already messaged Baekhyung to come and pick them up. So Jimin and Taehyung also got ready.

‘Where are you going Jimin?’ Yoongi asked Jimin

‘Well you know Baekhyun and Chanyeol is here right. Me and Taehyung decided to do some shopping with Baekhyun.’

‘Alright then have fun.’

‘But Yoongi where are you going?’

‘I’m going to the office Daniel is coming to pick me up.’

‘Ok so you will be late.’

‘Maybe depends.’

With that Jimin pecked Yoongi’s lips and rushed outside when Taehyung said Baekhyun has arrived. Yoongi chuckled lightly. Jimin and Taehyung are always suckers when it comes to shopping. Indeed they are best friends.

Jimin told Baekhyun to park the car somewhere Yoongi won’t be able to notice and once Daniel’s car arrived to follow them without notice. When Daniel’s car came and Yoongi got in and they drive away. Baekhyun followed them making sure to not get caught. However, the spying trio was surprise to see Daniel’s car stop in the hospital.

Taehyung and Jimin got out of the car telling Baekhyun to keep eyes on the children and the bestfriend duo followed Yoongi and Daniel to the hospital without getting caught. When Yoongi and Daniel went to the VIP section they couldn’t go in since it was guarded. So Jimin and Taehyung stayed outside. After sometime Yoongi and Daniel came out pushing a wheelchair with a patient on it. That made spying duo’s curiousity increase. And a gasp left from the duo once they recognized the person on the wheelchair. Taehyung eyes started to well up in tears to see Jungkook after 3 years.

Jimin was also shocked and surprised and he had so many questions running on his head. Taehyung was in the similar situation as Jimin. He wanted to run to Jungkook and talk to him. To question Yoongi. He was a total mess.

And that’s what Taehyung did. He ran up to Yoongi. And Yoongi was beyond shock. Its as if he saw a ghost. Jimin too followed Taehyung. Taehyung kneeled down and cupped Jungkook’s face. He didn’t have words to say just kept on crying. Yoongi had no choice but to explain everything to the duo and make sure they would keep their mouths shut.

‘Taehyung, Jimin let’s go to Jungkook’s room and I’ll explain everything to you.’

Taehyung was in a daze. He couldn’t process anything and just nodded. Jimin called Baekhyun and said to take kids somewhere and follows Yoongi to Jungkook’s room. He and Taehyung is restless wanting to hear everything.

They placed Jungkook in his bed and Taehyung sat beside him and hold his hand kept on caressing waiting for Yoongi to explain. However he is happy to know that Jungkook is alive. That’s enough for Taehyung and he will slowly bring Jungkook back to him.

‘Jimin you know that night I received the call from Jihoon telling something happened to Jungkook. We both even listened to the recording Jihoon sent. I left Jimin and went to the crash site and found Jungkook he had a small pulse and immediately call the ambulance and also called Jackson. We took Jungkook to the hospital. I told Jackson to fake Jungkook’s death while he was being operated by Mark. I told Jackson everything and he agreed to help me. Week after the accident me, Jackson and Mark brought Junkook to France and beforehand I told Daniel to make arrangements here.’

‘After that Jungkook has been in coma for 1 year and been like this for 2 years. We don’t know now what to do. Its like he’s physically alive but mentally dead. I’m sorry for keeping this secret but I had to for Jungkook’s safety. Changmin is trying take revenge from us because our company is doing better than his company. He presented a deal to Jungkook and Jungkook refused it. He was trying to get the profits from our company and bring our company down. And also Changmin’s father hate our father because our dad married our mom when Mr.Lee was in love with her. It was one sided love. And Changmin hate his dad and our parents so he is trying everything he can to bring us all down.’

‘We just need to keep our guards up. I’m finding evidences to bring Changmin legally down so he will spend lifetime in prison. Till then make sure you won’t even tell a soul about Jungkook being alive. We have come this far only to ruin everything.’

Taehyung and Jimin sighed. Jimin felt guilty for accussing Yoongi. He suddenly reddened due to anger for himself for even having such thoughts. The thing is when Yoongi constantly kept coming to France without giving Jimin any reason and telling he has business to do Jimin suddenly had thoughts of Yoongi cheating on him. That’s why this time he insisted on coming to France to  find out what Yoongi was doing.

For Taehyung he felt like he could live now that he knows Jungkook is alive. He felt happy knowing that Jungkook haven’t left him and their son. He promised to himself to bring back Jungkook. Jimin started speaking.

‘I’m sorry Yoongi.’ Yoongi looked at Jimin in confusion and raised his eyebrow. He slightly get the idea why jimin is apologizing. However he wanted to hear why Jimin is apologising. ‘Why are you saying sorry Jimin?’

‘I thought you were cheating on me when you constantly came to France. That’s why I tagged along with you this time find out what actually is happening.’ Yoongi laughed and hugged Jimin telling its okay.

Taehyung, Jimin and Daniel kept on talking while Yoongi was listening and Jungkook was sleeping. Turns out Daniel was a fan of Taehyung and was ecstatic to meet Taehyung and also invited him to the painting exhibition held in his gallery. Taehyung also accepted afterall Daniel took care of Junkook so he must pay gratitude too. All the while they were chatting Taehyung kept on holding Jungkook's hands and caressing not wanting to let go.

Yoongi went out and bought lunch for them. At that time Jungkook started squirming and looked relentless. He keeps on shaking his head and was sweating badly. Taehyung and Jimin panicked, Daniel rushed to get the doctor.




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Sorry for the long chapter..
I was thinking of updating yesterday but I had to accompany my aunt to the hospital so I was quite busy.

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