three | ❝davinki!?❞

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voldemort sucks

weasel: y/n come get your man
before i put my wand somewhere
the sun don't shine

potter: damn ron at least
take me out to dinner first ;)

y/n: harry what did you do?

mione: ask him who painted
the mona lisa.

y/n: whO pAinTed thE mOna LiSa
(mOna Lisa)?????

potter: daVINKI?

mione: i am truly surrounded by
absolute morons❤️

weasel: y/n and harry have like
one braincell between them

potter: power couple ;)

y/n: power couple without
the couple <3

mione: damn harry, that's rlly
embarrassing for you <3

potter: 😀🖕🏻

potter: one day we'll be together,
just you wait ;)

y/n: pack it up hamilton

weasel: pack it up joe goldberg 🤚🏻

mione: the way everybody's coming
for harry's throat today i-

potter: i do be getting bullied tho

potter: but i have a secret weapon

y/n: wait

y/n: harry dOn't-

harry added daddy's girl

draco: no❤️

daddy's girl left

weasel: what a moment

mione: harry are you not
embarrassed? this is really

potter: y/n make the bullying
stop >:(

y/n: hermione babe,
can you stop?

mione: ofc



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weasel: THE LACK OF

y/n: ugh i'm so powerful ✨

potter: pshh that shit would
never work on me

mione: bet

y/n: hey harry

potter: lol what

y/n: can you get my some
ice cream baby?❤️

potter: ofc, what flavour?

potter: ...

potter: FUCK


weasel: the way you guys simp
for y/n 😭

y/n: hey ronnnn :)

weasel: girl don't.

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